This is useful for irrigation, but the high temperatures, low humidities, and different day lengths of the dry season, compared to the normal growing season, can present difficulties with some crops.
Watering young plants in the dry season was tough for a lone boy.
He's planted at least 11,000 trees over the last 19 years, and his village seems to have escaped from the dry season.
Savannas typically experience a rather prolonged dry season.
The desert sections of long rivers respond several months after rain has fallen outside the desert, so that peak flows may be in the dry season.
One theory behind savanna formation is that wet forest species are unable to withstand the dry season, and thus savanna, rather than rain forest, is favored on the site.
Harrell and Bown believe that blocks were loaded onto barges during the dry season, then floated over to the Nile during the floods to be shipped off to the monument sites at Giza and Saqqara.
The southeastern portion of the peninsula has a tropical rainy climate with a short dry season in winter.
This is the peak of the dry season. We haven't had rain for two months.
It corresponds with a weaker south-west monsoon and a longer dry season.
“I help fetch water in the dry season, ” she says, “I don’t go to school.”
African elephants migrate in search of water sources during the annual dry season.
Generally, early June to October is the rainy season and November to May is the dry season.
During the dry season, you can follow the rocky riverbed all the way down to some little houses.
Generally, early June to October is the rainy season and November to May next year is the dry season.
Captured during the region's dry season, the picture shows a mixture of brown and green in the dune-free areas.
In Sahara Desert live some gerbils who would hoard large amounts of grass roots before the dry season to avoid starvation.
In Sahara Desert, live some gerbils who would hoard large amounts of grass roots before the dry season to avoid starvation.
During the dry season, roughly August to November, strong winds push sands inland, forming tall, crescent-shaped dunes.
The May 2007 fire, in contrast, occurred at the beginning of the dry season, limiting options for rehabilitating the landscape.
But this year's dry season-coupled with a late start and early end to last year's rainy season-has left the region parched.
The phenomenon occurs in Brazil's June-to-August dry season, when lowered water levels make the pollutants more concentrated.
Fishermen, hunters, farmers, pastoralists and others converge in these areas for their livelihoods - especially in the dry season.
In Sahara Desert lives a certain kind of gerbils. It stocks a large amount of grassroots to survive through the upcoming dry season.
Santa Catalina's vegetation is not well-adapted to frequent fires, and when they do occur, they usually happen at the end of the dry season.
But his most important innovation, he said, was to add manure to the zai during the dry season, a practice his peers derided as wasteful.
If this tendency continued, the IRD said, it could have a very negative impact on the water supply in the dry season to some cities like La Paz.
If this tendency continued, the IRD said, it could have a very negative impact on the water supply in the dry season to some cities like La Paz.