To integrate the house into the existing geography, Artelabo simply rebuilt and extended the dry stone wall below to meet the site material.
Once the outer shell was complete, the family made an interior wall from straw bales stacked on dry-stone walling and staked together with hazel sticks.
Abstract: : dry hanging stone curtain wall construction main problems that should be considered.
The paper presents the quality control measures of the design and construction of the Europear style dry fixed stone curtain wall based on the construction of Sanming Tabaco Building.
Combining with actual situation in some projects, installation of switches, sockets, wall lamps and power distribution boxes on the wall with dry-hanging stone material are introduced.
Installation method of electrical equipments on the wall with dry-hanging stone material is different from the common wall.
Installation method of electrical equipments on the wall with dry-hanging stone material is different from the common wall.