I didn't know that both reports were due today.
Payment is due today, but I gave her a week's grace, ie an extra week to pay.
He will go ape if he sees that you haven't finished the work that is due today.
If you're going to the library, would you mind returning this book for me? It's due today.
Actually, it's due today... But you can give it to me in a few days... Good luck with your interview.
Sure. I need to return some books. They are due today. Besides, I can also read some weekly publications, magazines and newspapers.
You can't differentiate between "this is due today" and "this is important" when you are (to quote the 15th-century mystic Kabir) "tangled up in others.
Board members are due to have informal discussions later on today.
A court in Zimbabwe is due to deliver its verdict today in a trial of a journalist who works for the British newspaper the Guardian.
Today, our number of weak-tie acquaintances has exploded due to the Internet—to the phenomenon online social networking.
He left today on a roundabout route for Jordan and is also due soon in Egypt.
Due to the falling price level, a dollar in the future has a higher real value than a dollar today.
The management book as it looks today is mainly due to past restrictions regarding printing and media.
Due to the vast amount of software, middleware, and hardware domains in existence today, the need for an extension to the platform arises.
The time value of money is a simple principal to understand: basically it states that any amount of money is worth more today than the same amount of money in the future due to it's earning potential.
Taye Taiwo was also substituted due to an injury. Milan revealed today that the player had suffered a distortion to his left ankle.
Today Mrs. K. is able to walk 300 meters with the help of a rollator walker (or walking frame), but due to her severe posture control deficit she still needs the support of an auxiliary person.
Apple is due to unveil a new version of the iPhone today, in an attempt to boost its standing in the mobile market further and take another swipe at its rivals.
Today, British civil aviation authorities ordered the country's airspace closed as of noon, due to a cloud of ash drifting from the erupting eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland.
Part of the demand you hear from the back seat may be due to the fact that kids today are seeing more McDonald's and Burger King ads than ever before.
Today it makes almost no difference. Since much of the variation is due to genes one more agent of evolution has gone.
A quarter of a million children could die next year due to the effects of climate change, Save the children warned today.
"The reality today is that water scarcity is increasing in many parts of the world because of increasing usage and also partly due to climate change," Payen explained.
"I fear the pace at which we have grown may have been too quick," Mr Toyoda said in written testimony released yesterday and due to be delivered today before the House oversight committee.
“I fear the pace at which we have grown may have been too quick, ” Mr Toyoda said in written testimony released yesterday and due to be delivered today before the House oversight committee.
The children spent the weekend with their father and were due to be picked up by their mother today.
From my conversations with enterprise executives, I've gathered that security remains a great concern, but it's less of a hurdle today for those who have done their due diligence.
From my conversations with enterprise executives, I've gathered that security remains a great concern, but it's less of a hurdle today for those who have done their due diligence.