Dug into a mountainside, the hockey arena is well concealed and energy-efficient.
An Ethiopian boy contemplates the massive well dug by the priests and nuns of the Mary Andinet Monastery, a site now green with regrowth.
He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well.
That day Isaac's servants came and told him about the well they had dug. They said, "we've found water!"
There is an old saying in China, "When you drink from a well, remember the person who dug it."
Samburu man leads his cattle out of the village and across a swath of arid land toward a water well dug into a desiccated Kenyan riverbed.
A Samburu man leads his cattle out of the village and across a swath of arid land toward a water well dug into a desiccated Kenyan riverbed.
When Barker and colleagues found where the scattered logs were coming from-a slope that had been eroded by a river-they dug in and found many more logs, as well as leaves and seedpods.
The flow will stop only once a relief well is dug; the first of these will not be completed before mid-August and, of course, more than one may be needed.
The exploration well will be dug 30 miles from the edge of the park, primarily in search of gas.
The scientists dug back into the historical record, well past 1997, the year continuous satellite measurements began.
I wonder if you have heard the same story, a man digging a well, dig a well, no water, the second Wells, no water, we haven't dug three Wells, water.
Well, our desserts arrived, and we dug in without a moment's hesitation.
Will said, "Well, you know the Pacific Ocean? My father's the one who dug the hole for it."
Will said, "Well, you know the Pacific Ocean My father's the one who dug the hole for it."
In addition to waiting for volunteers dug Shue Hang, as well as Podocarpus seedlings and planting tools.
If anyone is to be dismissed when the company falls on hard times, it won't be Jack; he's dug himself in too well.
So it should be cleared of all other growing vegetation and well dug out holes made in straight lines to enable easy counting of the trees planted.
So it should be cleared of all other growing vegetation and well dug out holes made in straight lines to enable easy counting of the trees planted.