The document was duly signed by the inspector.
Here are your travel documents, all duly signed.
We shall be glad if you will se to it that the contract is duly signed.
We shall be glad if you will see to it that the contract is duly signed.
Please acknowledge receipt by returning to us the attached copy of this letter duly signed.
Applications which are incomplete, late, not in the prescribed form, or not duly signed will not be considered.
Applications which are incomplete, late, not in the prescribed form, or not duly signed will not be considered.
Please correct your documents accordingly and confirm action taken by returning to us, duly signed, the slip below.
This Agreement commences on the date when the company receives the Subscription Form duly signed and affixed with the Subscriber's company chop.
Written commitment by the Franchisor which is duly signed by its legal representative or by any authorized representative of the Franchisor.
The Consignee shall collect the shipping documents including B/L from the Consignor's bank against Trust Receipt duly signed by the Consignee.
After sound and definite negotiations, the contract is read and scrutinized carefully, duly signed by the contracting parties and enacted as follows.
This a GREement commences on the date when the company receives the Subscription Form duly signed and affixed with the Subscriber's company chop.
Applications will not be further processed if they are late, or submitted by facsimile or email, not made in the prescribed form or not duly signed.
Applications which are incomplete, late or submitted by fax ore-mail, or not made in the prescribed form, or not duly signed will not be considered.
Applications which are incomplete, late, or submitted by fax or email, or not duly signed, or not made in the prescribed form will not be considered.
Applications not made in the prescribed form, without the required supporting documents, or which are late, incomplete or not duly signed will not be considered.
If a labor contract is not duly signed between the employee and enterprise due to certain reasons, it should not affect the calculation of his length of service.
In case of an attorney is needed to apply for enforcement, a power of attorney duly signed by the legal representative with the company seal thereon shall also be submitted.
Applications which are submitted by fax or by email, incomplete, late, not duly signed, without copies of the required documents or not made on the prescribed form will not be considered.
Buyer will dispatch following documents to seller for demurrage dispatch settlement nor time sheet and statement of fact duly signed shipmaster and vessel agent at loading port and tendered.
This Contract will become effective after it has been duly signed by all parties' legal representative and remain in force until the rights and obligations of all parties have been fulfilled.
The authorized department and the experts it designated shall present a written conclusion of the evaluation duly sealed or signed by both.
It is understood that you will open a credit in our favor after you duly counter signed the contract.
It is understood that you will open a credit in our favor after you duly counter signed the contract.