Eastern Europe is rapidly becoming a dumping ground for radioactive residues.
Madagascar would be a dumping ground for Jews.
Africa is the greatest dumping ground on the planet.
We need to start cleaning up our orbital dumping ground.
In this paper the AHP is used in the selecting dumping ground at first.
Instead, the workshop became a dumping ground for all the crap I'd managed to accumulate.
Try not to lump diverse functionality into a class by creating a dumping ground for unrelated static methods.
That raises the danger that an ETF could act as a dumping ground for the unwanted securities on an investment bank's books.
People hold candles at La Escombrera, a dumping ground for construction materials, in Comuna 13 neighborhood, Medellin, Colombia, during All Souls Day.
For a decade, Chevron (CVX) has been embroiled in an epic legal battle in Ecuador over allegations that the country was used as a dumping ground for billions of gallons of toxic drilling waste.
Once on the ground, they held passengers captive, threatened them with guns and murdered one hostage, dumping his body onto the tarmac.
随后他们杀害了一名人质,将其尸体扔在了停机坪。 但是戏剧性的是,据说在人质获救之后,其中一名获救者这样评价那两名劫机者:“他们并不是坏人。
Once on the ground, they held passengers captive, threatened them with guns and murdered one hostage, dumping his body onto the tarmac.
随后他们杀害了一名人质,将其尸体扔在了停机坪。 但是戏剧性的是,据说在人质获救之后,其中一名获救者这样评价那两名劫机者:“他们并不是坏人。