Therefore, the durability of reinforced concrete structure is a very important and urgent problem to be solved.
The main factor influencing the durability of reinforced concrete members is the corrosion of reinforcing bars.
Sufficient attention may be paid to the durability of reinforced concrete structures widespread all over the world.
The durability of reinforced concrete structure is now one of the questions that should to be solved on civil engineering sector.
Carbonation of concrete, steel corrosion has been recognized as the most important factor of affecting the durability of reinforced concrete structures.
The lack of durability of reinforced concrete bridge on the use of reinforced concrete had a great impact on life, many of our existing reinforced concrete bridge will be well received by the victims.
Wet-dry cycling condition is one of the most primary factors leading to the durability deterioration of reinforced concrete structures in the natural climate.
It should be pay more attention to the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure to improve the components intension, stability, stiffness and durability.
How to assess the durability and predict the residual service life of existing reinforced concrete structures has become an urgent problem.
The attenuation law of bearing capacity of partially corroded reinforced concrete beams is the basic problem of structural durability research.
Reinforced concrete structure has been considered a strong durability, but with the increasingly wide range of applications, the disadvantages of its durability are also exposed.
Reinforced concrete structure of seaport wharf is located at severe natural environment and work condition, and erosion from seawater damages seriously the durability of structures.
The coastal reinforced or prestressed concrete Bridges are always liable to chloride corrosion permeating on the reinforcement therein and durability of the structures is thus degraded.
The surface cracking width obviously affects the appearance of the reinforced concrete structure and the durability of construction.
The polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete, which is a new type of the tunnel lining structure, has the characteristic of easy construction and can improve the concrete behavior and durability.
Due to the neglect of the durability of concrete structures in construction periods, serious problems exist now in many reinforced concrete highway Bridges which are still in use.
It shows that the stochastic model can be used to durability assess of existing reinforced concrete structures in atmosphere environment.
The corrosion of the reinforcement, a worldwide disaster, has become a major cause which leads to the lack of durability and premature destruction of reinforced concrete structures.
The durability of saturating resin which is one of components of fiber reinforced polymer and adhesive material of FRP and concrete, affects the property of FRP reinforced structure.
The durability of saturating resin which is one of components of fiber reinforced polymer and adhesive material of FRP and concrete, affects the property of FRP reinforced structures.
The interaction of cracking and corrosion is analysed in this paper. The affection of cracks with different widths, directions in reinforced concrete structures on durability is also discussed.
To evaluate the full-span durability life of reinforced concrete structure, the expanding process of corrosive crack in protective layer concrete is studied in this paper.
The bond durability between fiber reinforced plastic(FRP) and concrete under natural conditions was studied by normal bonding strength experiment of 65 FRP and concrete samples.
Chloride ingress is the main reason for durability deterioration of reinforced concrete structures in salt-fog environment.
The paper proposes a practical method on fuzzy synthetic assessment of durability for reinforced concrete bridge through discussion on reasonable assessment of durability.
It increases the durability of fibreglass reinforced concrete products by decreasing the alkalinity of the cement.
This method has not yet been used for the durability evaluation of reinforced concrete structures at present.
Crack width is a most significant parameter for the durability assessment and design of reinforced concrete structures.
With the help of above-mentioned analysis results, primary study on durability estimation of corrosive reinforced concrete structure in service is carried on in this paper.
With the help of above-mentioned analysis results, primary study on durability estimation of corrosive reinforced concrete structure in service is carried on in this paper.