Core Options - This option will allow you to change which core the DMUC will us during game play.
Image mode: Image mode adds support for games that need to stream data directly from the CD or DVD during game play.
But simple substitution cyphers can be fun to play with, especially in an RPG context by handing someone an encoded message that they can work out during game play.
During translation, source and target language play a game of tug of war, creating an unceasing tension that may enrich our work-or not, depending on how well we can handle it.
Game designers know that millions of very small reads and updates will have to be done to the database during play.
Robots that cause damage to the field or the ball during normal game play can be disqualified (see Rule 2.8).
I play to win, whether during practice or a real game. And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win.
Then, if there is a particular problem which seems difficult of solution, review its features lightly as a last game for the imaginative unconscious to play at during the night.
Robots that cause deliberate interference and repeated damage to structurally sound robots during normal game play can be disqualified (See Rule 5.12).
Make changes to game play code, recompile, and update the game during play using Hot Reload.
The user can now queue substitutions at any time during gameplay and the game will automatically make the substitutions at the next stoppage in play.
I don't think they were designed to be dynamic sliders, but there are options for auto-settings, where basically you can get the CPU to assist with formation changes during game to adapt to your play.
Be airborne during Super Jumps for a combined 10 minutes of game play.
During the game, Mr. Walker had three hits. Mr. Ross, a relief pitcher, didn't play.
During the research, the monkeys were trained to play a game in which they were given a choice of 8 squares to pick from.
During this 2 session workshop you will learn the history and symbolisms behind the game, master the rules of playing and visit a local playhouse to play like the locals do.
Some play that if the loser failed to score during the whole game, the winner's entire score is doubled (rather than just doubling the 100game bonus to 200).
Gallas insists he is happy to play in any position that is not normally regarded as his speciality but finds it difficult to switch roles during a game.
A brand, product or service is integrated into a boxed-product game (sold at retail) during the development cycle ensuring the integration is exposed to 100% of consumers who purchase/play the game.
一个品牌,产品或服务是集成到一个盒装产品游戏(零售价格)在开发过程中确保整合接触到的消费者谁购买100 /%,玩游戏的周期。 在许多情况下,产品,品牌或服务已经融入游戏的游戏体验提供增强的叙事。
Mourinho's team does not always play in the same way, we will have to understand during the game the best moves to make.
Kobe Bryant continues to play through significant pain whenever his damaged right pinkie is hit during a game.
Unless you've been living in a cave the last two weeks, you've had to endure its infuriating BZZZZZ filling every last second of game play during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
Ferguson stood by him during a ban from the game, in which Cantona taught himself to play the trumpet, thinking of his player, as he once said, as a man in the mold of John McEnroe.
弗格森一如既往的支持他。在禁赛期间,坎通纳也没闲着,他自学吹小号,思考自己的球员生涯,正如他自己所说的那样,他要做一个像约翰·麦肯罗(John McEnroe)那样的人。
Ferguson stood by him during a ban from the game, in which Cantona taught himself to play the trumpet, thinking of his player, as he once said, as a man in the mold of John McEnroe.
弗格森一如既往的支持他。在禁赛期间,坎通纳也没闲着,他自学吹小号,思考自己的球员生涯,正如他自己所说的那样,他要做一个像约翰·麦肯罗(John McEnroe)那样的人。