When you are in your school dining hall during lunchtime, you may feel lonely unless you can find someone to have lunch with.
I meet my friends during lunchtime and we always have a great time talking to each other.
Westerners usually won't call people during lunchtime out of respect for those having their meal.
Glen: in primary school I had a whole afternoon of embarrassment — I split my pants right around during lunchtime.
A "lunch special" is a combination of foods that are offered for a lower price during lunchtime hours, usually Monday through Friday.
"For example, the topic #lunch is talked about during lunchtime every day around the world, but will not be a trending topic, " it said.
Even during breaks or lunchtime, there are not enough seats-most workers must sit on the ground.
It may seem obvious that employees should show up on time, limit lunchtime to an hour and turn off cellphones during meetings. But those basics aren't necessarily apparent to many millennials.
On Monday (Dec. 4), she drew on all those roles during a lunchtime talk to most of her fellow fellows.
Lunchtime workouts may not work all the time, but just one or two a week can help fill in any gaps in your workout routine or help you burn a few extra calories during the week.
相比晚上去健身房,你需要做更多的计划和准备来使你的午餐健身更加有效。 这就是为什么你不想在中午去健身的一个原因。但是在你尝试过几次之后,你就会发现午餐健身需要准备和注意些什么。
Lunchtime workouts may not work all the time, but just one or two a week can help fill in any gaps in your workout routine or help you burn a few extra calories during the week.
相比晚上去健身房,你需要做更多的计划和准备来使你的午餐健身更加有效。 这就是为什么你不想在中午去健身的一个原因。但是在你尝试过几次之后,你就会发现午餐健身需要准备和注意些什么。