Dozens of companies went bankrupt during the economic downturn.
Despite a decline during the economic downturn, the UK Patent Office receives more than 20,000 applications a week – of which 200 are "green" focused.
These mainstay discrete industries that retreated during the economic downturn of '08 and' 09 gave more impetus to PLM suppliers to look to non-traditional industries.
Mr Paranjpe has said that the ability to discuss difficult decisions with Mr Vaswani during the economic downturn has given Wipro's bosses an advantage over sole supremos.
WSJ: What have you done right during this economic downturn in terms of managing the company?
Rising food and fuel prices along with employment insecurity are among the factors leading to increasing inequities during an economic downturn.
The IEA figures demonstrate how China's growing economy continued to fuel higher energy consumption during the global economic downturn while US energy growth stalled.
But that economic climate has changed dramatically during the past six months, and the global downturn seems to have changed his view.
During an economic downturn, Gaddis developed an idea on how to change the company's direction to recover from the slump.
Over the past two months I've been asked again and again what I think Sales Professionals should be doing to prosper during the current economic downturn.
In a special report in its monthly economic indicator report, Treasury said that the Internet was coming of age economically and it was unleashing its power at the right time during a retail downturn.
Online-only retailers also continued to snatch market share from multichannel organisations during the period, with smaller outfits starting to see growth again after the economic downturn.
Some developers have also resumed their projects this year after putting them on hold for months during the global economic downturn.
Hypothesis: "During an economic downturn often management stakeholders resort to the classical management approach; is this arguably the correct course of action?"
Hypothesis: "During an economic downturn often management stakeholders resort to the classical management approach; is this arguably the correct course of action?"