Fredette then gave them as gifts to the homeless children in California during the holiday season.
Like, maybe you're advertising Sports equipment, and you have been spending most of your budget during the holiday season when people buy gifts for each other.
During the holiday season and beyond, moderation matters when it comes to alcohol.
During the holiday season, we actually look at the number of orders placed on some of our sites.
More than 40 people were killed by tornadoes and floods in the United States during the holiday season.
During the holiday season, be able to recognize when your partner's stressed and make allowances for it.
I also wish to express sincere greetings to those who remain in their work posts during the holiday season.
向节日期间仍坚守岗位的劳动者致以诚挚的问候! !
During the holiday season, turkeys have become one of the most popular dishes to serve in the United States.
There are many simple ways to increase your social contacts, especially during the holiday season, Mills said.
Reunion of their loved ones and friends gathered during the holiday season is perhaps the most fulfilling moment.
For 91 years, the National Christmas Tree has stood as a beacon of light and a promise during the holiday season.
During Thanksgiving most people eat turkey. Actually, we Americans eat way too much food during the holiday season.
他还说,美国人过节总会吃很多东西,weAmericanseatwaytoomuchfoodduring the holiday season.
Think about the ways your partner normally shows stress and realize that it will be magnified during the holiday season.
The average American gains one to five pounds during the holiday season, and most of that weight is never lost again.
It's easy to say that you'll keep running regularly during the holiday season, but sticking to it requires a strategy.
Did you know that eating just one extra cookie every day during the holiday season could cause you to gain one pound?
People are flocking to big outlets in the city during the holiday season, shopping for family, friends and themselves.
Holiday lights fill Bogota during the holiday season, along with fireworks and performances by the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra.
If you are one of those people, take the time to learn more about your interests by offering submission during the holiday season.
A study done in the United States confirmed that people gain weight during the holiday season more than at other times of the year.
Apple is ramping up iPad production and adding retail partners like Target in order to dethrone the Kindle during the holiday season.
Note that during the holiday season electricity, gas safety, electrical equipment for their own check in time, do not overload power.
Total first report on the Shanghai Jiao mining company near a temple during the holiday season safe working conditions and work arrangements.
Donate excess: food Banks and shelters gladly welcome donations of canned and dried foods, especially during the holiday season and colder months.
Also, during the holiday season, set aside a portion of the website so customers can have the option of purchasing gift certificates and gift CARDS.
Also, during the holiday season, set aside a portion of the website so customers can have the option of purchasing gift certificates and gift CARDS.