During the May day holiday, my parents and I climbed Mount Tai.
During the May day holiday, the gardens at the Xi 'an International Horticultural Expo were packed with visitors.
Of course, those will be on my account, I did a part-time job during the May Day. But I'm afraid that dad will be jealous.
During the May day Holiday, National day Holiday, summer and winter vacations, many University campuses become popular tourist sites.
Ten businessmen from Guangdong will go to Chongqing together with the aim of dating local beauties during the May Day holiday, media reported.
据媒体报道,五一小长假期间,广东10名富豪企业家将赴重庆集体相亲。 您对此怎么看?
With the obvious rise in the number of zoo visitors, fecal cortisol concentrations increased significantly both in the male and female giant panda during the May Day golden week.
An elderly person may nap during the day and then sleep only five hours a night.
So far, research suggests it may be possible to learn about the tone and pronunciation of a language or even the meaning of words while sleeping, although it is to a weaker level than what we do during the day without noticing.
After that a 60-day offer-period begins during which Kraft may revise the terms of its bid to garner enough support from shareholders for a deal and Cadbury can argue against the offer.
Finding a time when everyone is available during the day can be tricky, so after hours may be a good time.
But that also means that your partner gets to be whoever they want, too, and that may not be the same as the person they masquerade as during their school or work day.
More than half of children who use electronic media before bedtime may have mood or learning problems during the day, a preliminary study of 40 young people suggests.
But if you're like most people, your list may well contain more tasks than you can get done during the day - especially if you end up getting interrupted (or distracted).
If people charge during the day, when electric load is highest, power companies may have to build peaking natural gas plants.
Imported goods are being replenished since 26th last month, I believe the stockpile could ensure the goods supply during and after the May day holiday.
The first Mother's Day on May 10, 1908 in West Virginia and Pennsylvania, During the festival, dedicated to mothers Carnation selected flowers and thus the passage of time.
During the day two or three small groups may join and move about together for a few hours or a few days.
The implication, Gregory suggests, is that children who don't sleep enough may struggle to perform during the day, resulting in lowered self-esteem, along with other emotional consequences.
Gregory 暗指那些睡眠不足的孩子可能在白天会努力表现,后来导致自信心低,并伴随有其它情感问题。
Yet even that day may come soon: during November's freak floods in Jeddah that killed 122 people, Malak al-Mutairi, a girl in her teens, gained brief fame by defying the ban on women drivers.
但这一天也许将很快到来,11月份吉达发生的反常洪水使得122人遇难。一位十几岁的少女Malak al - Mutairi违背了女性不得驾驶的禁令,但因此扬名一时。
Remember the faces you see during the day, since you may find them going drinking on the town later on.
Of course, if not fully charged at night it may have to be recharged during the day-when electricity rates can be up to five times more expensive.
Chinchillas are crepuscular and typically do not like to be disturbed during the day, which may make them less favorable as pets to some people.
The idea is to make a small profit many times during the day. Day traders may buy and sell stocks hundreds of times each day.
Lack of sleep may make people too tired to be active during the day; sleep deprivation also affects hormones and metabolism in a way that might promote weight gain.
The idea is to make a small profit many times during the day. Day traders may buy and sell stocks hundreds of times each day.
The idea is to make a small profit many times during the day. Day traders may buy and sell stocks hundreds of times each day.