During four one-week periods over consecutive school terms, the kids wore the ActiGraphs nearly every waking moment.
Get up earlier during the last week of the holidays so that early starts for school aren't a shock to the system.
During the kids' first week back in school, a late — summer wind blustered up.
The most effective thing Jamal's school did was to make kids sit next to students they didn't know during lunch period for a week.
Yes, she knows she must go to school for 18 hours a week, but she wants to know if she can have any classes at night, because she helps her aunt out during the day.
He told us that one way of getting acquainted with each other in a new school was by a series of short speeches in class periods during the first week or two in school.
The group charged that last July, Huanya recruited about 500 16-year-old high school students to work seven days a week, often 15 hours a day, during peak production months for holiday merchandise.
Do you get to leave the school at all during the week or do you have to stay there 24 hours a day?
When my kids were little, I always braced myself for the 'back-to-school cold' that swept through the house during their first week back in the classroom.
All new postgraduate students must register with the School at their initial Departmental Meeting during Week One.
They believe the weekend snooze is crucial for school-age children to catch up on the sleep they miss out on during a busy week.
They believe the weekend snooze is crucial for school-age children to catch up on the sleep they miss out on during a busy week.