Poor manganese may cause dwarfism, anemia, bronchial asthma, Parkinson's disease, child amentia, tumor, et al.
The first was a boy aged 4 years 10 months with tetany and dwarfism.
If he does not have the dwarfism, then by the age of five he will be taller than me.
Such as, dwarfism patient's growth hormone of hypophysis secretion is obvious insufficient;
It was hard for me to understand how I felt about the possibility of my child inheriting dwarfism.
I don't mind talking about dwarfism because that makes people see I'm a person just like them.
The sella MRIand CT of 11 patients with primary pituitary dwarfism (PPD) were evaluated in this study.
Poor Manganese may cause dwarfism, anemia, bronchial asthma, Parkinson′s disease, child amentia, tumor, et al.
The siblings, who have primordial dwarfism, live with their parents in Sandoval and study at Kaskaskia College.
Their newborn daughter died last year from a devastating dwarfism-related disease called homozygous achondroplasia.
If it turns out that he has dwarfism, who better to teach him to be tough than someone who has been through it herself?
The success of the development of semi-dwarfism was one of the most significant achievements in rice breeding since 1960s.
I remember thinking, "If he has inherited dwarfism, it will be my fault. When he is older, will he blame me and resent me for it?"
The result in extreme cases is large goiters that swell their necks, or other obvious impairments such as dwarfism or cretinism.
The most visible and severe effects —disabling goiters, cretinism and dwarfism —affect a tiny minority, usually in mountain villages.
The dwarfism in human beings taste bad in children sense the aged dementia and reduction of immunity function due to Zinclacking.
These mutants were almost accompanied by variations in agronomic traits such as dwarfism, high sterility, heading date or grain weight.
I was told the physical signs of dwarfism would be hard to detect at five months old, and I may have to wait until he was two to be sure.
我从这里知道侏儒症的体征在孩子5个月大的时候是无法检测的。 我可能不得不等到他两岁的时候。
It also says: 'Her petite size and famous face is likely due to feline dwarfism and her rear end wobbles a bit when she walks due to this;
网站还补充道:“她娇小的体型和看似不爽的表情,很可能是因为她患有猫咪侏儒症。 也正因为这个原因,她走路时,尾部会不稳;
But other than rare mutations that result in dwarfism or gigantism, scientists have had little success identifying genes that govern stature.
When I was born, my mother was told in the hospital that I was a dwarf. Not knowing a lot about dwarfism, my mom's main concern was my health.
But reports say that the teenager suffers from primordial dwarfism, a condition that typically reduces life expectancy to as little as 20 years.
She has a form of dwarfism that is unknown to doctors, complicated by the fact that she was abandoned and no family history is available for her.
She suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Russell-Silver syndrome, a form of primordial dwarfism which affects only one in 100,000 babies.
Character flaws are a way to enrich your role-playing experience; after all, who can forget Jamie's infamy, Tyrion's dwarfism, or Jon's bastardy?
She suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Russell-Silver syndrome a form of primordial dwarfism which affects only one in 100000 babies.
She suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Russell-Silver syndrome a form of primordial dwarfism which affects only one in 100000 babies.