Wrist flexion, radial deviation, and pronation-supination were regained significantly faster in the dynamic fixator group.
If dynamic reserves of low permeability gas reservoir is calculated by processing method of ordinary gas reservoir that can cause deviation of knowledge and distortion of computational solution.
Not only the deviation of voltage and frequency from the rating value or other traditionally focused problems, but also the dynamic disturbance phenomena including oscillation and pulse are concerned.
Yet, most systems exhibit dynamic behavior on their way to (or sometimes even during) the steady state that may produce a deviation in performance from that computed by steady state analysis.
The standard deviation of dynamic recrystallization grain size decreases with the increase of strain rate.
In this PaPer, a concept of dynamic response deviation was proposed to analyse car handling property.
Finally, reasons of deviation between theoretical calculation result and experimental data is discussed, the research of dynamic characteristic of prestressed concrete simple supported beams is hoped.
The experiment result indicates that this thermostatic control system contains the merits of quickly dynamic process and little steady-state deviation.
In this paper we consider second order nonlinear terms, set up more precise dynamic system's model and derive the computation formula of terminal perturbation deviation by state variation.
The deviation-share method is one generally used in an analysis of regional economy and industrial structure, and is characterized by its comprehensiveness and dynamic quality.
The law of critical depth varying with diameter and deviation distance and the hidden holes handling range under subgrade were found out; also the effects of dynamic and static load were compared.
The calculation results show: each nonlinear flow and dynamic fluid gravity have certain effect on calculation results, and ignoring these factors will cause much deviation;
The calculation results show: each nonlinear flow and dynamic fluid gravity have certain effect on calculation results, and ignoring these factors will cause much deviation;