UML is a visual modeling language, defining all kinds of diagrams to describe the static structure and dynamic behaviors of software systems concisely from deferent aspects.
Based on this, the generic procedure of modeling planar multibody mechanical systems by bond graphs and its dynamic principle are described.
The method of modeling spatial multibody systems by bond graphs and its dynamic principle are described.
Dynamic priority systems can be used as both modeling tools to build concurrent and distributed systems and semantic foundations to define prioritised operators in programming languages.
As a standard language for modeling systems, UML can model the system with static structure and dynamic behavior.
作为一个通用的标准建模语言,U ML可以对任何具有静态结构和动态行为的系统进行建模。
The types of space multi joint mechanical systems and related dynamic modeling methods have been set forth.
Based on flexible multibody dynamics, a dynamic modeling method on multibody systems with changing topologies is proposed.
First, a cascade model with neural networks and linear dynamic systems, which is determinate and general, is used in modeling the nonlinear dynamic systems.
The tool supports both static and dynamic evaluation of COAs by integrating influence nets with discrete event systems modeling techniques.
JMCAD is an program for the modeling and simulation of dynamic systems.
It can be applied not only to the static modeling of large systems, but also to dynamic modeling of large systems, and may simplify parameter estimation for large scale systems.
The modeling theory and method of black box 'for weakly dynamic nonlinear systems are studied and the modeling results for the practical systems are also presented in the paper.
For dynamic systems with complex and nonlinear characteristics, the traditional modeling methods cannot describe its dynamic properties.
This paper proposes a general finite element (FE) based phase variable modeling method of permanent magnet (PM) linear motors for the accurate dynamic simulation of drive systems.
Based on this, the generic procedure of modeling planar multi body mechanical systems by bond graphs and its dynamic principle are described.
Based on this, the generic procedure of modeling multibody mechanical systems in non-inertial coordinate systems by bond graphs and its dynamic principle are described.
Traffic dynamic simulation modeling techniques and state-of-the-art real time traffic management expertise to develop decision support systems (DSS) for citywide operations.
Based on this, the generic procedure of modeling multibody mechanical systems in non-inertial coordinate systems by bond graphs and its dynamic principle are described.
Second subject of two-term sequence on modeling, analysis and control of dynamic systems.
Second subject of two-term sequence on modeling, analysis and control of dynamic systems.