The aim of this method is to examine the uniformity of performance of the high-pressure transducers under the action of high dynamic pressures.
Using these transducers in the automatic observing system for the dynamic states of the brine in Qarhan salt lake, good results have been achieved.
At that time, transducers to measure dynamic force were primitive and the analog nature of the approach yielded a time consuming process that was not practical for most situations.
In this paper, a dynamic calibration method using a finite duration impulse excitation source is presented, which can be used to calibrate the frequency response of high-pressure transducers (HPT).
The correction methods and equations can be used for dynamic and quasi-static calibrations of pres - sure, force and other transducers in transient excited methods of step or ramp function inputs.
A new approach, using dynamic link library to correct the non-linear characteristics of transducers, is proposed.
An inertial measurement method for bridge dynamic deflection with seismic low frequency vibration transducers was promoted.
The dynamic characteristics of s shape force transducers is tested.
A dynamic compensating method for transducers is presented based on functional link artificial neural networks (FLANN) inverse system constructed by least squares-support vector machine (LS-SVM).
提出一种用最小二乘支持向量机(LS - SVM)构造函数链接型神经网络(FLANN)逆系统的传感器动态补偿新方法。
A dynamic compensating method for transducers is presented based on functional link artificial neural networks (FLANN) inverse system constructed by least squares-support vector machine (LS-SVM).
提出一种用最小二乘支持向量机(LS - SVM)构造函数链接型神经网络(FLANN)逆系统的传感器动态补偿新方法。