It maps the target instructions to micro operations for dynamic translation.
QEMU achieves dynamic translation by first converting target instructions into micro operations.
This process is also known as dynamic translation and is a popular technique for increasing the performance of VM technologies.
Not an issue with dynamic translation, you know that a chunk of bytes is code because the machine is trying to execute it.
QEMU is a fast processor emulator that USES dynamic translation to achieve a reasonable speed while being easy to port to new host CPUs.
This mode emulates a number of processor architectures, such as x86, x86_64, ARM, SPARC, PowerPC, and MIPS, with reasonable speed using dynamic translation.
Dynamic translation is desirable in that case because it can spread the overhead of the translation over time, thus reducing pauses in the program execution.
Unlike static compilation technology, dynamic translation will increase the executing time of the programs. Low overhead of dynamic translation itself is very important.
The dynamic approach has the JSP page point directly to the location of the TLD and is therefore processed at JSP page translation time.
动态方法让JSP页直接指向TLD位置,因而是在解释 JSP页面时进行处理。
Another feature of the toolbar translation is real-time translation of dynamic content, which we found worked in Google Reader and FriendFeed just fine.
Eugene Nida is famous for his theory of Dynamic equivalence and his translation standard is mainly expressed in his theory of equivalence.
The annotated translation is an indispensable technique of culture translation to acquire the dynamic equivalence.
The theories distinguish themselves from the isolated, static comparative study of the texts in a new, dynamic and descriptive way to conduct translation studies.
This paper, based on Nidas' Dynamic Equivalence principles and Reader's Response Theory, analyses the ways to deal with the culture-specific items in drama translation.
Chapter three focuses on the relationship between reader-response theory and translation and dynamic equivalence.
This thesis applies Nidas theory of dynamic equivalence to the study of audiovisual translation, both in the mode of subtitling and dubbing.
Translation; communication; relevance theory; optimal relevance; cognitive context; dynamic context.
Through the above analysis, the paper comes to the conclusion that the functioning of cultural adaptation, which is a dynamic process, is crucially important in brand name translation.
This paper presents VISA, a scalable processor architecture based on dynamic binary translation (BT) and optimization.
Accordingly, the strategy of transformation between the static and dynamic tendencies in English-Chinese translation is a must to embody the differences in thought.
Responsible and efficient literary translation criticism should be objective, dialectic and dynamic, but this aim will never be fully achieved if the reader's participation is ignored.
Important conceptions such as equivalence, dynamic equivalence, processing effort and contextual effect are raised to provide valuable guidance for translation practice.
Why is it always considered that static binary translation is impossible to implement in emulation? Why is dynamic binary translation always considered more practical?
The dynamic adaptation to both context and structure can enhance the quality of the translation of public signs and achieve effective cross-cultural communication.
Since the rise of text linguistics or discourse analysis, the focus of translation study and practice has shifted from the isolated static words or sentences to the dynamic whole text.
Owing to the dynamic features of translation in terms of cognition and relevance, this paper further proposes the transference of optimal relevance as the criteria of translation criticism.
The criterion of translation has a dynamic feature. Accordingly, the translators' attitudes towards the diversities of language and culture in source texts and strategies of translation also change.
This thesis adopts a dynamic approach to study the relativity of translation criteria from the perspective of context.
The present authors, starting with discourse perspective, probe into translation tactics and skills in the course of semiotic transformation, with emphasis on translation as a dynamic tactical choice.
The present authors, starting with discourse perspective, probe into translation tactics and skills in the course of semiotic transformation, with emphasis on translation as a dynamic tactical choice.