That file was electronic message, so suddenly in about 1971, we had e-mail. So an e-mail was pretty much the major use of the internet for the next 20 years.
You would think that since E-mail is electronic and electronic information is suppose to move at the speed of light, your E-mail message would arrive seconds after you send it.
One approach towards reducing electronic junk, including spam in e-mail and on the Web, is to assign a small cost to the act of sending mail, or posting information on a Web site.
减少电子垃圾(包括电子邮件和Web上的垃圾信息)的一种方式是给发送邮件或在 Web站点发布信息的行为加上一些成本。
Multiple methods of contacting the owner of the site (E-mail address, electronic form, mail, phone, fax) must be available from the home page and be easily accessible from other pages of the site.
在首页应提供联系网站所有者的多种方法(e - mail地址、电子表格、邮寄地址、电话、传真),并且能从该网站的其他网页方便地切换至首页。
Telegraphs have been largely replaced by other forms of telecommunications, such as fax machines and electronic mail (E-mail), but they are still used in some parts of the world to send messages.
This article discusses the applications area, excellence, shortcoming of E- mail in reference service, devises how to develop the reference service via electronic mail.
Electronic mail, or E-mail for short, is a new way of communication by means of computers.
Electronic mail, or E-mail for short, is a new way of communication by means of computers.