It into a thin wire as if the voice, sharp, ear-piercing: Why did not tell him!
If you need ear-piercing and tattooing, ensure that the needles used are sterilized.
With face value, there is rustle as normal, there is ear-piercing sound of Office for the plug.
When a person enters a haunted building, the formless spirit belts out an ear-piercing "Uwan!" (hence the name).
The Viera Giraffe will often think he 's been attacked by other creatures and lets out an ear-piercing whine, when in fact he is the aggressor.
Farewell the neighing steed, and the shrill trump, the spirit-stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife, the royal banner, and all quality, Pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war!
Body piercing is old hat when it comes to ears but traditionally ear rings are poked through the ear lobe.
Herr pierced tongue and multiple ear piercing reflect her personality style and behavior.
The procedures for ear piercing, tattooing, acupuncture, and other commercial (often licensed) activities should require single-use or heat-sterilized equipment.
Thee procedures for ear piercing, tattooing, acupuncture, and other commercial (often licensed) activities should require single-use or heat-sterilized equipment.
我们强烈建议在耳朵穿刺,纹身,针灸时,还是只适用一次性或是经过高温杀菌的用具。 。
Ringing church bells, tooting horns and ear - piercing shrieks echo throughout the world on this festive day.
The viera giraffe will often think he 's been attacked by other creatures and lets out an ear - piercing whine, when in fact he is the aggressor.
Like a whispering shoulder devil or a witch's familiar, this dragon, piercing through the ear lobe, tempts the wearer into ACTS of shameful depravity.
Like a whispering shoulder devil or a witch's familiar, this dragon, piercing through the ear lobe, tempts the wearer into ACTS of shameful depravity.