Drinking several cups of strong coffee a day is not connected with early death or other heart diseases.
Consistently, research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation is linked to stress, disease, and early death.
Study the early death reason in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
Study the early death reason in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).
This is especially true in marriage - one study found that couples who stew in silence instead of having air-clearing fights nearly double their chances of early death.
The very idea that a figure so virtuous could have been dealt such a tragic and early death strikes Milton, or Milton's speaker here, as the rankest injustice.
The researchers then ranked the sites and problems by " disability life-adjusted year, " or DALY, which measures both early death and the impact of pollution-related disease.
Over time, diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves - causing chronic problems and early death.
Pumpkin seeds: the most nutritious part of the pumpkin and packed with magnesium; high levels of the mineral are associated with lower risk for early death.
Those who smoked 1 to 14 cigarettes a day had a 94 percent higher risk of early death.
Researchers determined that men with the highest levels of magnesium in their blood have a 40% lower risk of early death than those with the lowest levels.
The truth is that too many of us neglect our health and this is leading to increasing levels of illness and early death.
In spite of the superabundance of its martial spirit, it could not escape an early death.
About 20 million children worldwide suffer from severe acute malnutrition, which leaves them more vulnerable to serious illness and early death.
But Jobs delayed surgery for at least nine months, making it "sound to assume that Mr. Jobs' choice for alternative medicine has eventually led to an unnecessarily early death."
In total, 9 million people were too heavy — almost half the 21 million population — and 123,000 were at risk of early death over the next 20 years, the study said.
Adversity and stress early in life leads to long-term ill health and early death, a group of psychologists from the US and the UK warn.
We know from years of research that poor mental health leads to physical health problems, diminished quality of life, work-related problems, social and family dysfunction, and even early death.
The threshold for an early death is around 2 sieverts, and death is highly likely at 6 sieverts, though Ferreira received 7 and survived.
早期死亡的临界值大约是2西弗茨,6西弗茨死亡的可能性极高,尽管费雷拉受到7 西弗茨的辐射并存活下来。
If current trends continue, it will soon surpass smoking in the U.S. as the biggest single factor in early death, reduced quality of life and added health care costs.
If current trends continue, it will soon surpass smoking in the U. s. as the biggest single factor in early death, reduced quality of life and added health care costs.
But whether being merely overweight contributes to an early death as well has been uncertain and controversial.
With an oversize waist, your risk of an early death shoots up—even if you aren't overweight.
I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years.
Today, the goal of understanding happiness and well-being, beyond philosophical interest, is part of a broad inquiry into aging and why some people avoid early death and disease.
Today, the goal of understanding happiness and well-being, beyond philosophical interest, is part of a broad inquiry into aging and why some people avoid early death and disease.