"The early bird catches the worm" means that you have to do something before others in order to be successful.
Birds feed on worms. A bird will go hungry if it cannot catch worms. The bird that gets up early is sure to get some food, so the early bird catches the worm.
As the saying goes the early bird catches the worm.
We'll be there before the sun is up. After all, the early bird catches the worm.
If you want to get good deals at the auction, get there early. The early bird catches the worm.
If you learn about an interesting job, apply for it as quickly as possible, after all "the early bird catches the worm".
The early bird catches the worm. This means a person who gets up early, or acts quickly, has the best chance of success.
To Singapore Banks keen on providing financial services in China, the phrase "the early bird catches the worm" has significant meaning.
"They believe that" the early bird catches the worm "— they think that a person who gets up early in the morning for work has the best chance of success."
他们相信the early bird catches the worm(早起的鸟儿有虫吃)。也就是说,他们认为,一大早起床开始工作,会获得更好的成功机会。
Though you have more than 6 months before you leave, start looking for good deals on airline tickets and reserve your seats early. The early bird catches the worm.
Though you have more than 6 months before you leave, start looking for good deals on airline tickets and reserve your seats early. The early bird catches the worm.