The artist was finally humbled by the greatest artist on earth, Mother Nature.
We belong to the Earth Mother in our hearts, and we assist Her in many ways that you have no awareness of.
Please become more aware that the Earth Mother is hosting us, as well as she is hosting you.
This meditation is offered by the earth Mother in collaboration with the Tao to anchor a light earth dream into one's field and region of origin.
The agreements to foster human ascension lie not only with your species but also with the earth mother.
Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul oversoul and source along with the earth mother and nature kingdoms.
Therefore these drinks are for special occasions in which one wishes to toast oneself, all others, the earth mother and all kingdoms, thanking them for their support of one's continued evolution.
This is why the plant kingdom must rely upon minerals and nutrients from the dirt as provided by the earth mother and through decay of their own flesh.
The creator of creators, source of all sources, along with the earth mother wishes to extend a holiday blessing to all whom are willing to receive it.
Ascend beyond the electricity and one not only grounds to the earth mother thereby feeling safe, but ceases to feel shame or guilt.
As one attunes to the heart chakra where the hologram is stored, one can spin the hologram at a certain speed to communicate with one's own soul, the nature kingdoms or the earth mother at large.
Cairne Bloodhoof: Let the fury of the Earth Mother deal with these wretches as they deserve!
If you are guided to join us, know that you are guided by I, Earth Mother, in order to support the evolution of Earth.
As you learn to tune into Earth Mother and listen, you will know when it is time to move to avoid all natural disasters in your life experience.
Real help for the Earth Mother will come as humans unify polarity through ascension and then cease to express extremes in one place over another.
The gathering serves to release all human karma necessary to allow Earth Mother to complete Global Initiation 1024.
We will also say that the Earth Mother as a consciousness has her own tricks up her sleeves that humans may be surprised to discover.
He did not honor their own gains and losses, along with his ashes were scattered into the rivers of the earth mother.
He did not honor their own gains and losses, along with his ashes were scattered into the rivers of the earth mother.