It says that variations in earth's movements, specifically in its orbit around the sun, these variations lead to differences in the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth.
Physicists expect these super-energetic collisions between protons – and later between far heavier lead nuclei – to produce a cornucopia of subatomic particles never before seen on Earth.
If the study holds up, it could lead to a change in how phosphates are used and managed on Earth.
A number have orbits that take them closer into the solar system that sometimes lead them to collide with Earth or the other inner planets.
Melting ice masses change the pressures on the underlying earth, which can lead to earthquakes and tsunamis, but that's just the beginning.
Comets leave a trail of debris behind them that can lead to meteor showers on Earth.
Giant eruptions from the sun called Coronal mass Ejections cause "space weather storms" which, if large enough, could lead to massive disruption of electric grids on Earth.
More manufacturers are following Tesla's lead to shun the rare-earth materials, although the move means sacrificing space and adding weight to vehicles.
Furthermore, this kind of action is just going to lead to massive subsidies to produce rare earths elsewherein the world (including the United States) and/or develop rare earth substitutes.
Sooner or later, it is argued, overcapacity will lead to a plunge in capital spending, bringing the economy crashing to earth.
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Trimming lead times on sunspot detection would allow for better forecasts of space weather—bursts of radiation and charged particles from the sun that can cause real problems on and around Earth.
Optimists in the Enlightenment and the 19th century came to believe that the mass of humanity could one day lead happy and worthy lives here on Earth.
"It's as if the Earth has been smoking two packs of cigarettes a day", said the report's lead-author Australian marine scientist Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg.
Ferroir is the lead author of a report in the new diamond in the Feb. 15 issue of the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Many of these Afghan mineral priority areas, including the rare-earth rich Khanneshin, are world-class resources that could lead to significant commercial development.
Now, let us to protect their homes, and we don't throw rubbish every day, if littering, will lead to our earth will be become garbage, so, we don't litter.
However, the toxic metals required to make them - cadmium, cobalt, lead - aren't kind to the Earth.
Getting a huge lead on your competitors, raising a ton of money to operate a scorched earth strategy and force your competitors out of the market, will work for some.
The fact that one day God will end the world should lead the people of earth to experience a state of profound sadness and hopeless despair.
Progress will lead to advancements in understanding tectonics earth history materials and complexity to name just a few.
While they live in harmony when mad Transformers also sent to the Earth, Wei Zhen-day lead his evil everywhere snatch energy.
Currently, our Earth Allies are engaged upon a series of moves which is to lead to victory!
Currently, our Earth Allies are engaged upon a series of moves which is to lead to victory!