Salman has offered an easy mark for journalists.
Using the test, they found that chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is an "easy mark" for the experimental drug ABT-737.
Lafferty's longtime business partner, Allan Aitken, told me that he believed that "Biro was either a shyster or a con man, and had found in Lafferty an easy mark."
Mark the date of the food nearby, so it's easy to find the foods you need to eat first and you will never leave them there for too long.
"Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times," quipped Mark Twain, and statistics show he's not alone.
The single ones should however bear in mind that easy relationships and flirt would mark this period.
And he was so engrossed in the Kabuki of his work that it occurred to me how easy a mark he might make for a practical joker tying shoelaces together.
It's also very easy to annotate pages and send your mark ups to other users.
Mark tells them that it wasn't easy for him to trace the number because it came from a payphone.
Although it hasn't always been easy, and there have been many challenges and sacrifices, 18 months later, Mark is still living this way.
That is very easy and you only have to mark all the files you want to add and move it to the folder in Wuala.
At the 31 mile mark I gave Andrei my bike, an easy to ride Gary Fisher Zebrano hybrid, so he could rest a bit.
Created by British designer Mark Sanders in the early 1980s, the Strida went into production in 1987, changing the classic bicycle shape to accommodate easy collapsibility.
Strida是在1980年代初由英国设计师马克·桑德斯(Mark Sanders)所创,于1987年投入生产,它改变了经典的自行车造型,以便于轻松折叠。
Since late August, it's also been pretty easy to track Zuckerberg through a new Facebook feature called Places, which allows users to mark their location at any time.
It's tricky, but not impossible, to create an easy-to-use UI that would let you mark bits of a web page, and have those turn into the titles and items of an RSS feed.
这听起来很不切实际,但并不是不可能。创造一个简单易用的界面,让你能够在网页上做出标记,然后让这些标记成为RSS feed的标题或内容。
At least one close, intimate relationship has not been easy for you in recent years, but this new moon may mark a step in the right direction for you, ending that old chapter.
Mark: as for the metrics, they are easy to get but a bit harder to interpret, so I'm not even going to try.
Select a new position for easy reading of the scale and reinstall the handwheel with the "O" mark located at the bottom pointed in this direction.
For fast, easy installation a slot is provided on the encoder hollow shaft, which when aligned to molded mark on cover, sets the index.
Without the printing ink etc traditional consumables , Low processing cost. Mark clearly, not easy to wear and tear.
Glass fiber encryption tensile strength increases, the more enhance bubble board with size, surface hardness and easy construction land mark fixed tube.
It is easy for us to get a profile of Mark Twain in the his personal library.
They have to survive the feeling is not easy, the year is just like the knife, they face the vicissitudes of the mark.
Controls on the stage any complex thing not to let the human not feel the brains, not only all switches control the key to mark simply easy to understand, moreover easy to operate.
All models have a safety label with plastic cover on top of the finger rest. Mark the label for easy identification of all your pipettes.
It does not have the awful smell, like may other stretch mark creams do, it goes on easy, it is rich, and it is affordable.
I must have sounded very proud of myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark.
The word "sign" refers to the name, the symbol or the trade mark design, which is easy to identify.
A serials of problems of miss position of roll, easy damage of guide and guard, scuff mark of piece were common during oval piece entering round pass by 2-h horizontal mill.
A serials of problems of miss position of roll, easy damage of guide and guard, scuff mark of piece were common during oval piece entering round pass by 2-h horizontal mill.