The company is itself owed more than $24 billion, mostly by Cuba and other neighbours to whom Mr Chávez supplies oil on easy terms.
You do not need calculus or algebra, but you must be on easy terms with basic math - adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
The decisions weren’t easy or popular, but were necessary to keep peace and order in a prison system where 10 percent of the inmates were serving life terms.
This makes it easy for functions to know where their activation record is — they are simply defined in terms of the stack pointer.
And it's easy to see why Vonnegut would consider his friend's reputation in large terms: the two had a lot in common.
Most of these should be easy to understand if you think in terms of the JVM as a stack-based processor, so I won't go into details here.
如果将JVM 想象为基于堆栈的处理器,则其中大多数是容易理解的,因此我在这里就不再详细说明了。
Capabilities to search and navigate the taxonomy, create, edit, and delete terms and branches must be easy and intuitive to use.
And it? S fast, providing such a quick re-sort for users that it? S easy to believe that the feature is free in terms of performance.
The strongly typed DataSet offers advantages over the untyped DataSet in terms of speed and easy maintainability.
You can think of it in terms of usability, too: The best URL is one that's easy to remember.
It was felt that this would be a relatively easy thing to do and would also boost public perception of how the U.S. was doing in comparison to the Soviet Union in terms of the space race.
That is actually not a good way to do it, because if I put sufficiently complicated trig functions in there then you might not be able to see that two terms are the same. Take an easy one.
If you have to use complicated terms, complement them with an easy to understand example of what you mean.
Since it is often easy to think of forgiveness in terms of forgetting, we need to examine how we forget.
This makes objects very clean and reusable, and if dependencies are declared in terms of interfaces instead of specific classes, it also makes them very easy to unit test.
They own their own utilities and were easy to work with in terms of getting all the utilities with good rates to the new building.
When we start using terms like “daily build” it is easy to forget we aren’t actually talking about builds.
Users can search the glossary by terms, categories or both and for stewards in a flexible and easy manner.
It is easy to think of a migration in narrow terms, but it is dangerous to do so.
Printing screen shots makes it very easy to see how users interact and what their interactions create in terms of their experience.
Give Them a Compliment: Telling your partner he or she looks beautiful or cute (or whatever terms that are appropriate for your relationship) is an easy additional way to say I love you.
It's not always easy to identify such modules in terms of functionality since the original modules might deal with technologies exclusive to the Solaris platform.
Ultimately, defining Geronimo in terms of simple interactions between simple components makes the container both more robust and easy to modify.
InfoQ: What should a programming language provide in terms of features and properties to allow easy integration of internal DSLs?
Easy, because you already think in terms of running commands, CPing files, and piping and redirecting output.
If a person inherits his fathers millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence.
The difference between the two being in terms of how easy it is to arouse someone from sleep.
The terms of the original is basically for foreign language teachers in the country, for non-native speakers of foreign teachers, the school is relatively easy to match.
The terms of the original is basically for foreign language teachers in the country, for non-native speakers of foreign teachers, the school is relatively easy to match.