We eat lunch at eleven o'clock.
In Spain its usual to eat lunch at 2 PM and dinner at 10 PM!
We eat lunch in Louisville, Kentucky, and then we go to amusement parks.
If you didn't eat lunch until noon today, that's sixteen hours of no refueling!
If you're going to a dinner, be sure you eat lunch or have a snack in the afternoon.
I found myself wondering why on earth I ever eat lunch staring at the computer screen.
Home, I excitedly said to his mother: "Mom, I do not come back to eat lunch tomorrow."
She said she hadn't eat lunch or dinner and asked if we could stop at some place to eat.
Ms. Wu: So much! We will need not to eat lunch and supper if we eat the full English breakfast.
Today, all 11m children in the state education system aged between five and 12 eat lunch at school.
It's easy to cut yourself off from a vital pipeline if you always eat lunch alone, a common rookie mistake.
Every day I would eat lunch with my new colleagues. This is another reason why this internship has been priceless.
We provide staff with a kitchen full of food, which enables them to eat lunch (and breakfast, and snacks) at our expense.
But I'm afraid it's bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn't healthy enough.
June 15, 2010-high in the hills of rural Yemen, Ghaleb Ahmed sat his young daughter on his knee and prepared to eat lunch.
One day at lunch, Lavender taps me on the shoulder and says, "Lilac and Petunia are being so annoying. Can I eat lunch with you?"
One group was asked to eat lunch while playing a computer game of solitaire. The second group ate lunch without distractions.
The worry is that one in five workers fail to clean their workspace before eating, while two in three eat lunch at their desk.
There were not so many people at noon, and many sellers closed their shops and went to eat lunch, but we still could look around!
I used to teach yoga then jump right into a Les Mills Body Pump class or go home, eat lunch, then hit the hiking trails for some HIIT.
But I'm afraid that it's bad for their health to eat lunch outside the school, because some of the food they buy isn't healthy enough.
So chew some gum, hum, or eat lunch while reading and you may find yourself going through a ton of reading material like never before.
Thee habit of eating 'Al Desko' has grown to such an extent that two thirds of people now eat lunch at their desks most days of the week.
在办公桌前用餐的习惯如今非常普遍,以至于三分之二的人一周中的多数时间都在办公桌前吃午饭。 。
Drinking water is not only better for you, for some who eat lunch out every day, this simple substitution will save them over $30 a month.
Drinking water is not only better for you, for some who eat lunch out every day, this simple substitution will save them over $30 a month.