If you eat three meals a day and behave like most Americans, you probably get at least a third of your daily calories outside the home.
In normal physiological conditions, and ordinary people used to eat three meals a day.
"From an evolutionary perspective, it's pretty clear that our ancestors did not eat three meals a day plus snacks," Dr. Mattson said.
Although your child may not eat three well balanced meals each day, as long as it balances out over a one or two week period, with foods from all of the food groups, then he likely has a healthy diet.
In the Western culture, meals are taken three times a day, but it is much better to eat five smaller meals.
They should drink lots of pure water, eat four mini-meals a day rather than three large ones.
Make sure to eat at least three meals a day and have a snack in between meals, if necessary to regulate blood sugar levels.
First of all, you want to eat three well-balanced meals a day - and always include plenty of vegetables and fruits.
I generally eat three good-sized meals a day and supplement them with good snack foods.
In this 7 days, three meals a day can eat high protein, for example the lean meat, chicken, beef, lamb, rabbit meat, fish and all kinds of seafood, etc.
In addition to the three meals each day, you will also eat a snack between breakfast and lunch, and then again between lunch and dinner.
Eat properly. Get rid of your snacks and in-between-meals pleasures. Have three meals a day, make the last one bread and sugar-free.
Six more months, three meals a day, I'm gonna eat like, y'know millions of cows.
If you accidentally eat a nut, it is necessary to reduce the fuel consumption and eating three meals a day capacity, do not eat nuts after satiate.
Because dog still small, the dog dog in about three months, day need eat 3 ~ 4 times, a little larger in one day at least two meals decrease, beating.
因为狗狗还小,狗狗在3个月左右的时候,一天需要吃3 ~4顿,大了一点在一餐餐减,每天至少两顿。
Because dog still small, the dog dog in about three months, day need eat 3 ~ 4 times, a little larger in one day at least two meals decrease, beating.
因为狗狗还小,狗狗在3个月左右的时候,一天需要吃3 ~4顿,大了一点在一餐餐减,每天至少两顿。