Replace a pile of books with an ebook reader.
But I don't have a dedicated eBook reader, so my netbook needs to fill this role.
The actual app features most of the options you would expect from an eBook reader.
Has Search, Jump to and bookmark features - everything you would expect of an ebook reader.
The device is powerful and will play an eBook reader to the extreme, and to meet the special needs of users.
With its Kindle, Amazon also makes the most popular dedicated hardware eBook reader, with Sony's eReader a distant second.
If you've never tried an ebook reader, I'd encourage you to take a look at a friend's, or try using one in a computer store.
Our first department engages in develop the most of handsets, such as mobile phone, ebook reader, MID, tablet computer … etc.
The two companies had originally worked together on a "Kindle killer", an ebook reader that could compete with Amazon's device.
The iPhone app itself is a decent eBook reader, though it suffers from the fact that the textbooks haven't been formatted for the small screen.
You can carry a whole library of hundreds of books with you, on CD, in a laptop, notebook or any ebook reader, without worrying about their weight.
Amazon is expanding its presence on mobile devices ahead of the launch of Apple's iPad, a tablet-style computer that doubles as an ebook reader.
While the exact hardware specs are not quite clear yet, it does seem logical that Amazon would like to push its eBook reader into this market segment.
This program is different than the cloud reader in that it functions as a good general use eBook reader and will read all Kindle-readable formats offline.
While we haven't seen any new Numbers lately, we also haven't heard anything new about schools adopting Amazon's eBook reader for the upcoming semester either.
Windows/Linux: Papercrop is free, simple utility that automatically restructures PDF files to fit more comfortably on small smartphone and eBook reader screens.
Using an ebook reader like the Kindle or Nook ties you to a single bookstore (unless you can manage to find DRM-free PDFs or other supported file types for your textbooks).
Somehow doing the act of looking for a dictionary and physically searching for the word made the meaning stuck better than just long-pressing on the word on an ebook reader.
The books will be offered to Sony Reader users free via the online Sony eBook store.
Amazon's proprietary format, on the other hand, doesn't allow you to move your Kindle eBook to your new Sony Reader, for example.
An ebook looks just like a Microsoft document but it is transformed into an ebook format such as PDF where the reader cannot make any changes to the document.
Having an outline will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your new ebook flows well and keeps the reader focused.
Having an outline will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your new ebook flows well and keeps the reader focused.