In nearby India superstition holds that pregnant women should avoid going outside during a solar eclipse, as it's believed that light from the eclipsed sun can cause babies to be deformed.
Even when the Moon is totally eclipsed by Earth, it is still bathed in a dim red light - from sunlight that has been bent as it passes through the edge of Earth's atmosphere.
Likewise, they look outside their borders and see their country being eclipsed by China, which is enjoying just the sort of boom Japan did from the 1950s to the 1980s.
FILE Inthis March 4, 2007 file photo showing a full moon is eclipsed by theearth's shadow in this seven pictures combination, from left, seen inNairobi, Kenya.
档案这张07年3月4日拍摄的月全食是由地球的阴影形成的。 按自左往右的顺序,这七幅图片当时可以在肯尼亚的奈落比看到。
According to their website, where they published snippets from their SPECjvm2008 results, their raw overhead (as measured by operations per minute) eclipsed that of their competitors.
按照他们网站(他们公布SPECjvm 2008成果信息的地方)的说法,他们的原始管理费用(按照每分钟运转费用来衡量)低于他们的竞争对手。
From the moment these Games were awarded to China seven years ago, the sports have always seemed likely to be eclipsed by the story.
The chromosphere and corona can be seen from Earth when the sun is totally eclipsed by the moon.
The chromosphere and corona can be seen from Earth when the sun is totally eclipsed by the moon.