The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound.
Marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible.
The great Australian rabbit infestation was ecologically devastating.
The PowerBuoys will replace ecologically unfriendly diesel generators.
Species endangerment and extinction does not occur at random ecologically.
The northern arid land of China is economically backward and ecologically fragile.
Wugs, likewise, are neither an evolutionarily nor ecologically nor otherwise cohesive group.
Utilization of ecologically renewable resources such as methane is increasing in the rural areas.
Utilization of ecologically renewable resources such as methane is increasing in the rural areas.
Please support us to ensure an ecologically balanced living environment for our future generations.
We are a corporation, that offers top-quality and ecologically friendly products at competitive prices.
The red soil hilly region of Central Hunan Province is one of the most ecologically fragile regions in China.
In a recent research, the tropical forest has been depicted as ecologically unfit for large-scale human occupation.
The skills required to do NLP effectively and ecologically serve as a support for many different kinds of tasks, situations and contexts.
This fits into a larger, emerging picture: Mesozoic birds were ecologically diverse, with lots of overlap between them and modern groups.
There are four subjects about the systematization of urban open-space environment, the serial scene, the construct ecologically, the aesthetic facilities.
The green ecologically-safe building design already became the modern high-rise construction design one kind of tidal current and the trend of development.
Decleor's caring attitude does not stop at your body, as they also use ecologically sound ingredients, avoid synthetics and do not test their products on animals.
A biome is "climatically and geographically defined areas of ecologically similar climatic conditions such as communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms."
It's a really great event because I think Asia needs more to be promoting how we need to become ecologically friendly, and we need to learn to recycle more, reuse...
Ecologically sustainable design is not only essential but proves solid financial benefits both to the developer, the user and through positive intangibles to the larger community.
The tools could point to an early out-of-Africa migration. Alternatively, he says, they could indicate that the Arabian peninsula was, ecologically, an extension of Africa at times.
For example, when burned in vehicles, even the most ecologically acceptable sources of ethanol create air pollution that will cause the same mortality level as when gasoline is burned.
The strategic question for an enterprise is how to find way of both contributing value to the ecosystem, and drawing value from the ecosystem, through the provision of ecologically viable services.
A principal challenge in testing the role of natural selection in speciation is to connect the build-up of reproductive isolation between populations to divergence of ecologically important traits.
A principal challenge in testing the role of natural selection in speciation is to connect the build-up of reproductive isolation between populations to divergence of ecologically important traits.