Mostly adopt the plural linear model in the existing econometric models.
The Selection of Econometric models is a very important topic in studying Econometrics.
The risk of econometric models includes model-misspecification risk and estimation risk.
Tow famous econometric models are the Federal Reserve Bank econometric model and DRI-WEFA model.
The paper adopting Comparative Analysis, Case Analysis and Analysis of Econometric Models was divided into six chapters.
Explain the futures contracts are longer, the better the effect of hedging estimated from the dynamic econometric models.
The econometric models can be divided into classical models and non-classical models according to the evolution of contents.
Mr Varian and Mr Choi show that the addition of these search trends to econometric models improves the accuracy of their estimates.
Through the creation of econometric models, using empirical methods to further widen the gap between town and an analysis of reality.
The discovery of long memory suggests possibilities of constructing nonlinear econometric models to improve price forecasting performance.
The precise analysis of the econometric models shows that the contribution to the rural commodity circulation of the rural economy is increasing.
This study attempts to connect the national and regional results by building regional econometric models, as well as a simple mathematical derivation.
Econometric models generally have a short-aggregate supply component with fixed prices, and aggregate demand portion, and a potential output component.
Thirdly, we carefully investigated the effect of exports on overall economy regarding Shannxi province and its compositive area, using econometric models.
Based on the theoretical analysis, this paper will put forward relevant hypotheses, construct econometric models, and frame variables into a questionnaire.
Most western central Banks measure inflation expectations by questionnaire and econometric models, and use a variety of methods to manage inflation expectation.
With the dynamic econometric models and cointegration approach, the extent and the influencing factors of farmers' household income and wage income are reached.
Lucas looked at the large econometric models of the 1970s, models that contained hundreds of variables relating economic aggregates like income, consumption, unemployment and so forth.
However, Employee Stock Option Incentive is in the beginning and exploratory stage in China. It is the problem that how to choose the econometric models in many problems discussed.
The problem of estimating time-varying parameters of econometric models is discussed, by analysing the normal moving window method. A new estimation method-optimal moving window method is proposed.
Next, models are constructed by applying econometric techniques to determine important historical relationships that can inform an assessment of the future.
Next, models are constructed by applying econometric techniques to determine important historical relationships that can inform an assessment of the future.