Economic prosperity depends critically on an open world trading system.
Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.
Critics say that the new system may be more economic but will lead to a decline in programme quality.
To sum up: a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly lopsided.
A caste system consists of ranked groups, each with a different economic specialization.
The second is that our higher education system is not designed to focus on the economic consequences of our students' years on campus.
Manufacturing is the one system where you have got the biggest source of innovation, the biggest source of economic growth, and the biggest source of great jobs in the past.
But the law of volatility applies. If you fix one part of the economic system, trouble has to show up elsewhere.
This shift offers enormous opportunities. But it has also shaken an international economic system forged in the middle of the 20th Century, with patched-up changes in the decades since.
Keynes's genius - a very English one - was to insist we should approach an economic system not as a morality play but as a technical challenge.
A breakthrough in the Doha Round would also infuse confidence in an economic system stressed by financial anxiety.
And a recognition that the Chinese economic system routinely produces bubbles and is unlikely to change any time soon.
These restraints can assume a variety of forms or different structures of rights, which then define the institutional nature of the economic system.
I would isolate three distinct, albeit related, issues-balance sheet pressures sapping growth, instability in the core of the global economic system, and social tensions.
If the financial and economic system [s] in the United States go wrong, then the impact will be felt not only in this country, but also in China, in Asia and the world at large.
The output value of our company has doubled, since the establishment of a modern economic system.
But it has also shaken an international economic system still operating through the arrangements forged in the middle of the 20th Century, with patched-up changes in the decades since.
So he worked sporadically as a musician and film editor, but on account of his twisted fascination with the economic system, he began working as a day trader.
This decentralized economic system relied on the legal immobility of the serf.
As playing a significant role in the economic system, the exchange rate regime influences the growth and stability of national economy profoundly.
The crime of funds misappropriation belongs to crime of misappropriation. With different legal culture and economic system, the definition of crime of misappropriation is different in every country.
The crime of funds misappropriation belongs to crime of misappropriation. With different legal culture and economic system, the definition of crime of misappropriation is different in every country.