Recent years have witnessed a constant decline of the ratio of China's trade surplus to its economic aggregate.
The constant increase in economic aggregate makes it difficult to maintain rapid growth of economy in a long period.
As the economic aggregate continues to expand, growth will mean more jobs and there will be greater tolerance to fluctuations.
Petrochemical industry is one of Beijing's pillar industries, covering considerable proportion in Beijing's economic aggregate.
The paper took Qingdao City as an example to carry on the statistical analysis of the economic aggregate of the major Marine industries.
Considering the rising environmental costs, which was underpriced in China, some manufacturers will face the rise in socio-economic aggregate cost.
The result indicates that economic aggregate, commodity price and loan interest rate are the important influence factors for the housing price trend.
From the perspective of global economic recovery, higher commodity prices caused by more aggregate demand are good news.
A cheap currency is especially prized now, when aggregate demand in the rich world is so scarce and exports to emerging markets seem the best hope of economic salvation.
But creating inflation is easier said than done: it requires boosting aggregate demand enough to consume existing economic slack, through either monetary or fiscal policy.
但是制造通货膨胀说起容易做起来难- - -它需要货币抑或是财政政策来拉动足以消化现存闲置生产的总需求。
Because aggregate growth has depended hugely on the worldwide commodities boom of the past decade or so, the overall economic improvement also masks deep inequalities.
Macroeconomics is sometimes used to refer to a general approach to economic reasoning, which includes long term strategies and rational expectations in aggregate behavior.
Aggregate risk: risk that affects all economic actors at once.
The gap is embodied by three "shortages": shortage of aggregate housing supply, shortage of modestly and intermediately-priced houses and economic houses, and shortage of small and mid-sized houses.
The real shock to the economic cycle can be reflected by contradictions between the aggregate supply and aggregate demand.
The constructing of aggregate production function is the key of establishing economic growth models.
Designed to predict future aggregate economic activity, this index is a composite of several different indicators.
The forecast for steel consumption is tied in with that for an aggregate economic variable.
Both domestic business cycle and economic fluctuation of the world have led to the insufficiency of aggregate DE - mand in China's present economy.
Keynes introduced Keynesian economics, which is an economic theory of spending in the economy, which is related to aggregate demand, and its effect on output and inflation.
Various economic schools have given their reasons why business cycles appear from many aspects, which include inner and outer causes, aggregate supply and demand etc.
Basically, economic growth is a term that used to indicate the increase of per capita gross domestic product (GDP) or other measure of aggregate income.
Basically, economic growth is a term that used to indicate the increase of per capita gross domestic product (GDP) or other measure of aggregate income.