In the legal market, the cost of the administrative legislation has its rich base of economic theory, it can be divided into movement and the geostationary.
On the base of above study, and with the structural system feature, we put forward economic of structural system analyzing method and model, which is base on value engineering theory.
According to micro economic theory, the supply and demand theory of factor technology is the base of the pricing of factor technology.
Endogenous financial theory claims that the supply of monetary base is not an exogenous variable controlled by central bank, but endogenously determined by economic system.
The accountant of human resource is a new branch that knowledge economic condition produced. Its assumption and principle is the base of the theory and practice of human resource accounting.
It is obvious, the administration reform is imperative, its necessity and urgency are thus clear. The scientific theory of Marxism thinks, the economic base determines superstructure.
It is obvious, the administration reform is imperative, its necessity and urgency are thus clear. The scientific theory of Marxism thinks, the economic base determines superstructure.