The ancient Chinese "spring country walk", "outing" and modern rural tour are different concerning the overall scale, economic consumption level, but they originally interconnected.
Because of these differences, comparing France's consumption with the U.S.'s overstates the gap in economic welfare.
He's particularly upbeat on the power sector, as consumption increases when economic activity increases.
This is a moment of truth. We must maintain the consistency and stability of our macroeconomic policies and take further forceful measures to boost our economic growth, consumption and demand.
The report says energy consumption in the region has doubled since 1980 because of high economic growth and growing populations.
CHINA's remarkable growth is as apparent in beer consumption as it is in more formal economic indicators.
In all the colonies in the South, food for home consumption was a main economic activity.
Next year, for the first time, more than half the population is likely to be living in urban areas, implying a further boost to consumption, the country's main source of economic growth.
For the moment, global consumption of oil continues to fall, despite the slight brightening of the economic outlook.
They have been very effective in stopping the slowdown in economic growth, in overcoming the difficulties of enterprises and in expanding consumption.
Increase the energy-saving emission reduction efforts, both to reduce resource consumption and pollution emissions can also increase economic efficiency, promote technological progress.
The economists acknowledge that taxation always imposes economic costs, both because money is needed to collect taxes and because it distorts people's consumption and work choices.
This did away with the economic virtue of thrift and encouraged excessive consumption.
In addition, remittances appear to help households maintain their consumption levels through economic shocks and adversity.
Without higher wages to offset any increase in asset prices, American consumers will be forced to restrain consumption and lower debt. This will cause an economic slowdown.
But even consumption - and economic growth - has been stronger than expected in advanced economies, notably the US, the UK and Germany.
In economic terms, the program's transfers account for about one-fifth of the consumption of the median recipient household.
The IEA figures demonstrate how China's growing economy continued to fuel higher energy consumption during the global economic downturn while US energy growth stalled.
The increase in people's income would encourage consumption and boost economic growth, so that the economy would be kept at a steady and sustainable pace.
Smoother household consumption often means a smoother economic cycle, too.
Environment: Telecoms firms are reducing the power consumption of their networks, for economic and environmental reasons.
Compared with 1998, the usage of electricity increased by 23%, which revealed a larger consumption of energy in accordance with the economic growth.
Lucas looked at the large econometric models of the 1970s, models that contained hundreds of variables relating economic aggregates like income, consumption, unemployment and so forth.
As economic analysts warn that the recovery remains fragile and as job figures and (closely related) consumption Numbers remain weak.
As economic analysts warn that the recovery remains fragile and as job figures and (closely related) consumption Numbers remain weak.