In Japan, a new analysis predicts a larger economic contraction than previously forecast.
Bernanke said data suggests that the pace of the country's economic contraction may be slowing.
Gone is the fantasy that there would be a mild economic contraction this year, followed by a return to steady growth.
By pumping up money supply and asset prices, central Banks have also helped to slow the pace of the global economic contraction.
For the U. S. and other developed countries, investors typically define a recession as two consecutive quarters of economic contraction.
It also tells us that the credit markets are not functioning as smoothly as they could be-which is sign of potential economic contraction.
That is almost always a sign of economic contraction, even when nuts in Washington aren't trying to blow up the economy for the sake of appearing "fiscally responsible."
But amid growing talk that the first budding signs of recovery are emerging, a reduction in the year-on-year rate of economic contraction can be considered a sign of progress.
But amid growing talk that the first budding signs of recovery are emerging, a reduction in the year -on-year rate of economic contraction can considered a sign of progress.
It is difficult to see how the cycle of austerity, economic contraction, contagion, and financial retrenchment can be broken without the promise of substantial ECB support for sovereign debts.
History may never repeat itself exactly, but you wouldn't know that from the spate of recent articles comparing our current economic plight to the worst economic contraction since the Plague.
All this suggested that America was more likely to endure a gradual, even gentle, slowing of economic growth than a sharp contraction.
IATA says air carriers in both India and China had reported heavy financial losses, because of the global economic downturn and contraction of global export markets.
The depth of the contraction and the weakness of the recovery are both result and cause of the ongoing economic fragility.
The World Bank's latest estimate of global economic growth in 2009, released today, forecasts a contraction of 1.7 percent compared to economic growth last year of 1.9 percent.
The budget came against the background of a sharp contraction in economic activity, far greater than that experienced in other euro-area countries.
Financial markets remain under considerable stress, and tight credit conditions and the deepening housing contraction are likely to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters.
We regard decreasing total employment scale in the condition of continuous economic growth and increasing total population as employment contraction.
High inflation rate or hyperinflation turns economic growth into contraction with the increase price of goods and services.
The article points out main characteristics and the contraction analysis of the period of economic transformation and solutions to the contraction.
There are big risks in the international project contraction, including social risk, economic risk, technological risk and administrative risk.
Tight credit conditions, the ongoing housing contraction, and some slowing in export growth are likely to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters.
Tight credit conditions, the ongoing housing contraction, and elevated energy prices are likely to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters.
And yet, although tumbling house prices and a sharp credit contraction could indeed pull the economy into a noxious downward spiral, the evidence of such an economic disaster is, as yet, slim.
The economic decline between January and March was the third straight quarter of contraction, the longest period of continuous decline since 1975.
The economic decline between January and March was the third straight quarter of contraction, the longest period of continuous decline since 1975.