This is why poor profitability, high asset prices and high economic growth rates can coexist.
But one thing can be said unequivocally: He's a lousy prognosticator of economic growth rates.
That is when the economic growth rates begin to taper off. The history of nations does not begin or end in 2020.
This "demographic dividend" is one reason some economists predict that India could surpass China in economic growth rates within five years.
As we expect a moderation in economic growth rates, we also expect that the threat of policy tightening will be removed in the next few months.
Nevertheless, the main scenario for the euro area is a return, in the course of 2003, to economic growth rates in line with those of potential.
But extensive study by economists has found little correlation, in either direction, between inequality and economic growth rates across countries.
It is widely expected that according to the current economic growth rates, China will surpass the United States as the world's biggest economy by 2015.
These are all economies that have experienced high economic growth rates in recent years, in contrast to countries such as Germany where house prices were flat.
In Kenya, for example, at current economic growth rates and with the present levels of income inequality, the median family in poverty would not cross the poverty line until 2030.
Now, with real rates of economic growth near 9%, and slower population growth than before, real incomes are rising fast enough that people are willing to put up with high inflation for some time.
The demand for a currency depends on the return that investors expect from holding it. That in turn depends largely on the interest rates on offer and on underlying rates of economic growth.
However, such rates inevitably take a toll on enterprise and economic growth.
But the use of fossil fuels was clearly vital in driving a step change in rates of economic and population growth.
Average economic growth is around 5 percent, with a few countries growing at much higher rates.
However the report, Economic Growth in South Asia, says while the challenges facing the region are daunting, it is possible South Asia could see poverty rates cut by two thirds in a decade.
If economic growth and interest rates are stable, businesses and consumers will be encouraged to take more risks, and in particular to take on more debt.
Economists say the inflation rate will likely increase in the coming months, reducing the room for the central bank to cut interest rates to spur economic growth.
But central Banks already try to estimate the "output gap", the extent to which economic growth is above or below trend, when setting interest rates-and that's fiendishly difficult.
Share prices are suffering because of the outlook for four forces that impel stockmarkets: economic growth, profits growth, interest rates and inflation (see article).
Share prices are suffering because of the outlook for four forces that impel stockmarkets: economic growth, profits growth, interest rates and inflation (see article).