Despite being in a tough economic position, young Americans would see the country as one of opportunities.
In American society, however, the class structure was less rigid; some people changed occupations easily and believed it was their duty to improve their social and economic position.
Sometimes we may give a brief account of its history, geography as well as economic position, if necessary.
Women's low economic position is the substance in wife abandonment. The poems are based on this phenomenon.
To that we add a fundamentally strong economic position, with growth of around 5.5 per cent expected this year.
Eastern European Jews, in contrast, faced a systematic threat to their economic position as well as to their national survival.
The tobacco industry has significant economic position in our country and its tax is the main source of financial income to the government.
It is suggested that the status of an ethnic group is determined by its awareness of participating in political activities, economic position...
Either through dowry or through being hot-tempered, the Catalan wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position.
Many outside the US continue to see the country as one of opportunity, and despite being in a tough economic position, research shows many young Americans would agree.
It is large in number, extensive in the areas it sets its foot in, flexible in its economic model and increasingly promoted in its economic position, all these being its features.
As Turkey occupies an absolutely critically important position between Europe and Asia, I think the prospect of EU membership has contributed to Turkey's economic success.
Q: What is China's position on joining the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP)?
The US extended the language's reach with its economic and military might, its world-ranking universities and its leading position in technology and popular entertainment.
As ASEAN moves towards greater economic integration at glacial speed, Indonesia has a belated chance to position itself as a regional hub.
I came to the position that mathematical analysis is not one of many ways of doing economic theory: it is the only way.
Even in the best of economic times, nobody's position or company, or even career, is 100% safe.
Unlike in past economic rebounds, the United States is not in a position to drive global growth, according to the World Bank's Robert Zoellick.
In present objective economic environment, the coal enterprise is at the more advantageous competition position, the large-scale coal enterprise is so.
However, they were not in the position to prevent the consequences of the economic crisis in time.
Commercial Banks are an important financial hub, its important position to promote its economic responsibility should be to fulfill social responsibility and unity.
Commercial Banks are an important financial hub, its important position to promote its economic responsibility should be to fulfill social responsibility and unity.