PPP is an important concept, but it has a small weight in my overall formula of economic power.
"He worries that the world's largest economic power is not living up to its responsibilities." I.
Russia enjoys its new power and influence as a result of its growing economic power, "said Lipman."
In advancing this argument I am forced to make a distinction between state power and economic power.
At the same time higher commodity prices are giving increased economic power to countries that dislike American hegemony.
For years, the country's economic power has been shifting to states such as Colorado, North Carolina, Virginia and Nevada.
Browne said that China, as an emerging economic power, is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs.
The nation's shrinking economic power has meant that it has had to borrow more and more money to keep its sweet life going.
The shift in economic power from West to East is accelerating, says John o 'sullivan. The rich world will lose some of its privileges.
In her travels, she has seen first-hand the centrality of economic power in how states measure and exercise influence around the world.
Pressure from demography, climate change and shifts in economic power builds up quietly for a long time-and then triggers abrupt shifts.
Asia will naturally become more important as a financial centre, given its economic power and its role as the provider of global savings.
The outside world sees China as a rising economic power, a nation with seemingly irreversible economic momentum. That may be true enough.
It may also be why they have branded the deal as a play on an historical shift in economic power to Asia, rather than a nuts-and-bolts job.
Which is just the sort of meaningless drivel that will make this new economic power fit right in with the business supremos of the Anglo-Saxon world.
Which is just the sort of meaningless drivel that will make this new economic power fit right in with the business supremos of the Anglo-Saxon world.