Over the past year, in order to cope with the international financial crisis and severe economic recession, countries have generally adopted a stable financial and stimulate the economy.
Net profits have risen by nearly 9% a year since the recession in 2001 and productivity has been growing even more rapidly than is usual during economic expansions (see chart).
Quarterly economic forecasts from both the CBI and the British Chambers of Commerce indicate the U.K. economy next year will shrink at its fastest pace since 1991, when it was last in recession.
英国工业联合会(CBI)和英国商会(British ChambersofCommerce)公布的季度经济预测报告都显示,英国经济明年将出现1991年上次经济衰退以来最严重的收缩。
For example, this year Moscow will have in a magazine list of the places and the competition, but because Russia was forced to withdraw from the economic recession, said Murphy.
Many upscale furniture stores closed last year due to the economic recession.
Firstly, developed market macro - economic data has been signaling an upward shift in growth momentum, significantly reducing the risk of a double-dip recession this year.
2009 is global economic crisis erupted after the year, because America's subprime crisis triggered global recession, domestic economy also indispensable received considerable influence.
International online coverage (Wang's) : by the global financial crisis, this year, the sustained economic recession in Romania.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected on Thursday that China will grow by 8.5 percent this year and 9.0 percent in 2010, saying China will lead Asia out of the economic recession.
This week the National Bureau of Economic Research declared that the world's largest economy, America, had been in recession since December last year.
Wall Street's Merrill Lynch reported on Dec 4 that if China has also been seriously effected by the global economic recession, crude oil price may break 25 U. S. dollars next year.
China 'economic growth eased to 6.8% in the December-ending quarter on year, from 9% in the preceding quarter. Some economists think China's economy is currently in recession.
China 'economic growth eased to 6.8% in the December-ending quarter on year, from 9% in the preceding quarter. Some economists think China's economy is currently in recession.