Simulation results show that the algorism performs better than LEACH in economize on energy and load balance.
The article introduces the automatic control of water level in acid water pool and its ease of operation and economize on energy.
The stem seal of a feed water control valve uses expanded graphite packing in order to produce friction and to economize on energy for the control valve working.
What we can do is economize on the amount of energy we use in our daily lives.
We should economize on all kinds of energy.
For the use of warning on highway, parking lot, airport, charge station residential quarter and construction site. It is convenient to take easy to install economize energy with little maintenance.
太阳能警示灯solar energywarning lamp适用于公路、停车场、机场、收费站小区及施工场地的警示作用,具有携带方便、安装简单、节约能源、较少维护等优点。
It is an efficacious method that inferior brand diesel oil is used on locomotive diesel engine in cold weather to economize energy sources and increase economic benefit.
It is introduced to the actuality of waste water processing in food and fermentation industry in Japan., and the methods for economize on water and energy.
There is an important meaning to economize energy resources , cut down consumption and raise economic benefit in hotels on selecting hot supply installation scientifically and rationally .
There is an important meaning to economize energy resources , cut down consumption and raise economic benefit in hotels on selecting hot supply installation scientifically and rationally .