The arid valleys of the Minjiang River is the worst ecotope in West China.
The ecotope, habit and morphological characters were investigated and identified on weedy rices in Hainan Island.
This paper took Jiangyingxiang as an example to expound the ecotope characteristics of soil resources in the limestone mountain areas in Guangdong.
Hence the N-Y ecotope and its surrounding areas should be considered to be the main direction of coalfield prediction and exploration in the region.
因此,N -Y生态区及其周缘地带应为该区煤田预测与勘探的主要方向。
Hence the N-Y ecotope and its surrounding areas should be considered to be the main direction of coalfield prediction and exploration in the region.
因此,N -Y生态区及其周缘地带应为该区煤田预测与勘探的主要方向。