Prohibition against edibility. Do not empty into drains.
Besides their edibility, mushrooms have long been considered to have medicinal properties.
Turtles have important uses and economic value in medicine, view and admire, edibility and scientific research.
Within the scope of this test dose, Dendrobium Candidum capsule is a kind of health food products and was safe for edibility.
Safety: the product is of edibility and long-time use safety, which is applicable to the hypersensitive skin without causing allergy.
The culture of turtle can add natural resources, keep ecological equilibrium and meet the edibility as well as medicine demands of humanity.
Methods The allergen of inhalation and edibility in 311 cases with allergic dermatitis and 30 healthy persons were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
And at the same time, the sprouting rate of the paddy diminishes, whereas its fatty acid value, reduced carbohydrate and iodine blue value rise, with its edibility unchanged.
Public park managers aren't necessarily interested in preserving the edibility of the wild things that grow there — don't even start on whatever might grow in a median or alley.
Note: : animal product prices and edibility of Holly will only take effect on items generated after the update. items that already existed before updating will still have the old prices/edilbility.
注意:动物农产品的价格和冬青的更新只会发生在更新后才生成的项目上,在更新之前就已经存在的物品仍然会是原来的状态。 。
Note: : animal product prices and edibility of Holly will only take effect on items generated after the update. items that already existed before updating will still have the old prices/edilbility.
注意:动物农产品的价格和冬青的更新只会发生在更新后才生成的项目上,在更新之前就已经存在的物品仍然会是原来的状态。 。