The journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process, editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today.
"This indicates there is a real personal responsibility in counteracting this problem," says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief at Barna Group.
Marianne Carus, who started Cricket magazine in 1973 and served as Editor-in-Chief until 2012, died on March 3 at the age of 92 this year.
Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college, as well as VICE's first female editor-in-chief, Ellis Jones.
Fyodor Lukyanov is the editor in chief of the Russia in Global Affairs journal, published in Russian and English.
Globalisation may have created a fairly homogenous consumer market, but alternative culture still has a future - or so argued Anderson, the editor-in-chief of Wired.
That was the suggestion from (outgoing) Editor-in-Chief Jon Meacham, albeit a little too late to save his job.
David Sommers has been loving color as COLOURlovers' blog editor-in-chief for the past two years.
Craig Glenday, Guinness World Records editor-in-chief and the man who measured Pingping in Inner Mongolia to confirm his status as the world's smallest man, paid tribute to him.
At the time Baker's essay was published, the editor in chief of Harper's was Roger Hodge, who was abruptly relieved of his post earlier this year.
"These are much more than love stories; they are life stories, " says Select Editions editor-in-chief Laura Kelly.
Robert Thomson, the paper's new editor-in-chief, and Leslie Hinton, chief executive of Dow Jones, are portrayed in simplistic fashion as mere vandals who do not understand the paper.
There is a plan, described as being in its "embryonic" stage, to split the position of editor in chief from that of director general.
"Luck is basically our modern world's magic," said David Zinczenko, editor in chief of the magazine.
When asked to comment for this story, a Forbes Media spokeswoman wrote, "Steve Forbes remains Editor in Chief and Chairman of Forbes Media."
I wrote my papers, I got my note published, I became editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, I clerked for Justice Sandra Day o 'connor.
Susan Taylor,editor-in-chief of Essence,has created some 40form letters for everything from article rejections to replies to requests for donations.
The review raises the wider question of what health-related claims made on behalf of products can be trusted, said Stephen Hancocks, the BDJ's editor-in-chief.
The awards were presented at a ceremony in London on November 9th by John Micklethwait, The Economist's editor-in-chief.
Through much of the spring and summer, says Zhang Haióu, editor-in-chief of New World Press, Buffett's Chinese publisher, they were selling 1, 000 copies a day online.
据该书中国出版商新世界出版社(NewWorldPress)总编张海鸥透露,今年春夏,该书在网上的销量平均每天达到了1,000本。 “我们当初的期望值很高。
Angus Mackenzie, Editor-in-Chief, Motor Trend, said, "the cars are shrinking slightly but they're getting more space efficient, but definitely fuel efficiency is key."
《汽车趋势》总编辑angusMac Kenzie说:“汽车有一点点收缩了,但是它们有着更大的有效空间,然而,能耗毫无疑问是重要的。”
"There are several returning people, but what's really exciting is there's this whole new crop coming up," said Moviefone editor-in-chief Scott Robson.
'The wedding business is very recession-resistant,' says Carley Roney, The Knot's editor-in-chief.
Knot网站主编卡利•罗妮(Carley Roney)表示,“经济衰退时期,婚庆行业耐受力非常强。”
The man behind the curtain is Piano's CEO, Tomas Bella, formerly the editor-in-chief of Slovakia's largest broadsheet.
钱幕后面的那男人叫,托马斯(Tomas Bella)。他是Piano公司的CEO(老总),之前是他是斯洛伐克最大报纸的总编。
The man behind the curtain is Piano's CEO, Tomas Bella, formerly the editor-in-chief of Slovakia's largest broadsheet.
钱幕后面的那男人叫,托马斯(Tomas Bella)。他是Piano公司的CEO(老总),之前是他是斯洛伐克最大报纸的总编。