It limits you and prevents you from taking effective action.
The solvent is to oversize piston weight and to reduce the effective action area.
What will we do-all of us-to translate our plans into effective action to end poverty?
And as a result, they will listen to you politely but they will not take any effective action.
Congress has its crusaders seeking to goad federal agencies like the FTC into more-effective action.
Fragmentation of rule writing, supervision and enforcement led to finger-pointing in place of effective action.
My team participated in an effective action planning session following last year's employee engagement survey.
Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.
Coordinated and effective action can reduce the death, suffering and social disruption a pandemic would otherwise cause.
Let me now turn to four current threats to world peace, where true leadership and effective action are badly needed.
Sadly, in human affairs it is sometimes necessary for a crisis to reach an acute, mortal stage before effective action is taken.
This article has analyzed the concrete dehiscence origin, and proposed can prevent the concrete dehiscence the effective action.
It is also necessary to measure progress and analyse barriers to implementation on a continuous basis in order to inform effective action.
The goal of this course is to provide the foundations for taking effective action in the multi-faceted world of international business.
" And then year after year when there is no effective action, "how can we continue with the process as it is rather than ask why isn't it working?
If success depends of effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most.
Some experts say famous people may bring public awareness to an issue. But this increased attention does not mean anything without effective action.
And hundreds of millions of people live in poverty so helpless as to render them incapable of taking effective action to improve their own condition.
If success depends on effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most.
After integrating out the electron degrees of freedom, we derive the effective action describing the nuclear spins and the propagator for the spin wave.
But without binding agreements, there is no mechanism to determine if a country is taking effective action and there are no consequences if they are not.
It is also associated with the implementation of quick effective action when problems occur, so that the planned outputs are always capable of being achieved.
Choose instead to invest yourself in effective action, and the potential value of this moment is transformed into real, actual, lasting value in your life.
A new type dual complex turbulent combustion method of primary and secondary air is put forward, and its effective action on combustion process is analyzed.
It has been estimated that within five years, one South African will die of an AIDS-related illness every minute unless effective action is taken now to curb AIDS.
The research by University College London was published as experts said that a daily low-dose aspirin is the single most effective action to protect against cancer.
The research by University College London was published as experts said that a daily low-dose aspirin is the single most effective action to protect against cancer.