I think that the efficient market theory offers one of the truest views of the markets.
Thought it is agreed to and employed generally, efficient Market Theory has been facing all kinds of challenges.
In the second part, some empirical tests methodology and literatures on the research of efficient market theory.
In the basic frame of the modern mainstream financial theory, the Efficient Market theory has important positions.
At the academic level, the very concept of market timing is called into question by those who believe in the efficient market theory.
Finally, the article discusses the existence of efficient market and integrally grasps the true connotation of efficient market theory.
Since its naissance, Efficient Market Theory has been one of Theory the most disputed and most important subjects in financial theories.
THE basic idea behind efficient market theory is that it seems implausible that there are $20 notes lying on pavements waiting to be picked up.
有效市场理论(efficient market theory)的一个基本思想是:你不可能在大街上发现20美元钞票等着你去捡。
We now know that the efficient market theory is for the birds, and that market failures can have devastating consequences for wide sectors of the public.
The weaknesses of efficient market theory prevent it from interpreting the phenomena of China securities market, which proved by theoretical research and practice.
If the efficient market theory is correct, technical analysis should not work at all; the prevailing market price should reflect all information, including past price movements.
In academic circles, at least, there's been resurgence in interest in a theory that was popular a decade ago but had been dismissed by believers in efficient market theory.
The past ten years have dealt a series of blows to efficient-market theory, the idea that asset prices accurately reflect all available information.
This approach, he argues, stems from a belief in efficient-market theory which states, at its simplest, that prices reflect all available information.
So, as a supporter of the efficient markets theory, I thought for sure the market would fall down laughing.
Perhaps this is because investors are not the perfectly informed paragons found in efficient-market theory.
What about the thought that hedge funds undermine the idea of efficient markets? Instead, Mr Lo suggests an alternative concept: adaptive market theory.
对于对冲基金的表现是否与有效市场思想冲突的问题,作者没有直接回答,而是提出了另一种概念:适应性市场理论(adaptive market theory),指出躺在地上的20美元钞票是存在的,只不过不是在大街上,而是在死胡同里。
The efficient market thesis, so prevalent in academic theory and market modeling is now in retreat, and perhaps rightly so.
His ideas are linked to the theory that markets are efficient, that means market actors taking all available information to create the correct price for things at any given time.
The contents contain three main parts: efficient market hypothesis, capital equilibrium theory and modern corporate financial theory.
These implications are in direct contradiction to the theory of rational expectations and the efficient market hypothesis.
The discount of closed-end fund violates the financial theory and challenges "the Efficient Market Hypothesis", but there is no improved and convinced theory to explain it.
Efficient Market Hypothesis is the foundation of modern financial marketing, it study the theory of stock price react to all information.
Market timing that based on behavioral finance theory give up the Efficient Market Hypothesis and study the capital structure from the investor point of view of non-rational.
For a long period, the modern financial theory based on efficient market hypothesis and random walk has been the mainstream of financial fields.
But it was left to Mr Williamson to refine Mr Coase's theory and clarify what features of certain transactions made carrying them out more efficient within a firm rather than in the market.
But it was left to Mr Williamson to refine Mr Coase's theory and clarify what features of certain transactions made carrying them out more efficient within a firm rather than in the market.