In the United States, however, bowing or any type of submissive body posture is particularly irritating, for it tends to connote undue formality, aristocracy, and a nonverbal denial of egalitarianism.
It only makes sense in an era of judicial egalitarianism.
Egalitarianism: The tax system should try to achieve a more equal distribution of after-tax incomes.
The poet’s soppy romanticism, flinty egalitarianism and ridicule of pomposity have universal appeal.
The over reliance on land has resulted in farmers 'propensity for egalitarianism and conservatism.
Increasing cost pressure is also at our Swiss models sometimes lead to automation and egalitarianism, unfortunately.
They extend Uruguay's egalitarianism to computing. They should be seen merely as a means to the end of better schooling.
Holding to the ideal of "egalitarianism," the country prides itself on making no distinction of ethnic background or race.
Jackson was a southwestern parvenu who combined a sense of rough-hewn egalitarianism with the gentlemanly honor typical of his class.
The performance evaluation is a new human resources management in the normal distribution, which can reduce the disadvantages of egalitarianism.
Its employment system still tends to reward seniority and status rather than performance, in what Japanese call aku byodo or "bad egalitarianism".
The U. N. Development Program puts China on a par with Mexico, a jarring change for a society that preached egalitarianism as recently as the 1970s.
The thought that market economy and social egalitarianism instead of market society and individual egalitarianism are needed has become main thought in the modern West.
The judges liked the new egalitarianism of this: lest anyone be offended at the idea that a cascade falls from top to bottom, this new preposition makes the idea less hierarchical.
Egalitarianism distribution system which lead to long-term staff and the organization's performance appraisal has been a lack of enterprise management "buckets" of the "shortcomings."
As a fair sense of equality "proposed in this paper is an important concept with the intention of opposing the" absolute equality "in egalitarianism, endowing new meanings to equality."
As a fair sense of equality "proposed in this paper is an important concept with the intention of opposing the" absolute equality "in egalitarianism, endowing new meanings to equality."