Banks would love to wriggle out of the most egregious deals, or at least get better terms.
It would be an egregious error to equate the monopolistic producer with bountiful expenditures on research.
Another egregious example comes from Louisiana.
It's hard to conceive of a more egregious betrayal.
That strikes some financial professionals as egregious.
These problems are most egregious in the oil-rich Niger Delta.
Shares of the most egregious mortgage lenders have plunged and dozens have gonebust.
The banker noted that it was the brazenness of the letter... that was particularly egregious.
Similarly, the more egregious forms of the Buy America provision appear to have been circumvented.
The banker noted that it was the brazenness of the letter ... that was particularly egregious.
One is simple accuracy; in this example, the misspelled name and wrong employer were egregious.
they merely seek to stop the most egregious abuses and to limit harm to civilians as far as possible.
tostopthemost egregiousabuses和tolimitharm tociviliansasfar aspossible是并列的,建议译文进行调整。
What's equally egregious is the fact that this pastry has more sugar than two full-size Klondike Bars.
Most bad data is much less egregious, and is more often a result of typos, transposed tracks, and the like.
Last October, California started to comply with some of the less egregious aspects of the Real ID Act of 2005.
Sales_Tx is egregious because the one place where it could be used, it is instead read out of the state table.
Sales_Tx 令人吃惊,因为在它可以使用的地方,读出了状态表。
Indeed, there are signs of action against polluters singled out by Sepa bosses as among the area's most egregious.
"Any one egregious element can make a job unbearable," and for a given individual, that element may be unknowable.
In any case, I only have so much time, and need to save my rage for the next section of even more egregious changes.
Countries that ignore the bank's warnings on egregious borrowing are likely to see IDA aid volumes cut and terms hardened.
The errors, too, while serious, were arguably less egregious than one in the first volume, which declared California to be an island.
The mental, physical and emotional impact of this egregious crime on the human security of the countless individual victims is obvious.
这一令人震惊的犯罪, 对于无数受害者个人在心理上,生理上和情感上的安全感的损害,是显而易见的。
And lastly, animals are killed in such egregious ways, now more than ever, that our very identity as a humane and rational civilization is in peril.
“EGREGIOUS, outrageous, violated everything we stand for”: Don Graham’s denunciation of recent activities by some employees of his own firm is stark.
“太令人吃惊,太无耻,违反了我们所遵循的一切准则。” 道·格雷厄姆对公司部分员工最近所做所为的谴责可谓一针见血。
“EGREGIOUS, outrageous, violated everything we stand for”: Don Graham’s denunciation of recent activities by some employees of his own firm is stark.
“太令人吃惊,太无耻,违反了我们所遵循的一切准则。” 道·格雷厄姆对公司部分员工最近所做所为的谴责可谓一针见血。