It was a no-win situation. Either she pretended she hated Ned and felt awful or admitted she loved him and felt even worse!
Some day you may be either a speaker or a listener in a situation involving people from other countries or members of a minority group in North America.
It's an either-or situation—we can buy a camera this year or we can go on holiday but we can't do either.
In either situation, you will also need to get some information about the caller, such as their name or company.
If given information by your source, verify it, either through research or by interviewing another source who is familiar with the situation.
In this light, the two specifications should be viewed as complementary technologies, to be used either together or separately depending upon the situation.
If the situation is more complex, a business process might require several users to make approvals, either in sequence or in parallel.
You can either include it directly from Google's site (confirming that the SOP doesn't apply in this situation) or download it and include it from your own server.
In this situation, you can either catch up the resource from the stream, release your version of the resource to the stream, or merge your work and the stream resource.
Such a situation is either a sign of a memory leak or of running an application on an application server with too few resources.
Such a situation is either a sign of a memory leak or of running an application on an application server with too few resources.
However, the effectiveness is often limited because of time constraints, leading to a situation where code reviews and inspections are either not conducted or are conducted infrequently.
From the list, you can either open the detail of a customer record or create a customer record, which makes it a regular list-and-detail situation.
When a problem situation occurs, the objective is to collect as much information as possible that will either identify the cause of the issue or provide a direction in understanding the cause.
Your surprise news will either come from family or will relate to a home, mortgage, or real estate situation.
Either Ukraine is going down, towards disintegration, or it will start recovering. But the current unstable situation cannot last.
In this situation, the application will wait for a lock (if one is not available at the time of the request) until either the lock is granted or until a deadlock occurs.
He often used his quirky, unexpected humour either to put people at ease, to diffuse a difficult situation, or just to make his friends laugh with his astute observations.
Here we cater for the situation where the message domain may be either MRM or XMLNSC.
However, if we think of the waxing and waning of tonus as being either above or below some arbitrary level, we can simplify the situation considerably.
Your knowledge of the situation is still rather fresh so they could either be deceiving you (or intending to) or it's all simply information gathering and all part of a process.
Fifty-six per cent of those polled expect the situation to either deteriorate or stay the same in the next year.
It has rather powerful antibiotic compounds, which can be used either internally or topically, depending on the situation.
The boost sales, we should either expand the domestic market or seek for the international market. Under the current situation there is nothing in between.
You may have plans to improve your living situation, either by making a residential move or by fixing up your present space, but you seem to be unsure about when you want to take the plunge.
It is possible that either you or your partner are outgrowing something in your current situation.
In short, we do not have either the production capacity or the sales organization to take full advantage of what we believe is a very promising marketing situation.
Decisions are timely when they can be successfully applied to an existing situation — that is, before events carry an organization on beyond either acceptance or correction of that situation.
Decisions are timely when they can be successfully applied to an existing situation — that is, before events carry an organization on beyond either acceptance or correction of that situation.